Music: Webinars
Focusing on the area of collection emphasis of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, we present databases, Internet resources and selected subject portals relevant for the field of musicology. We will address simple and complex queries, instruments for specialised research and ways from the hit lists to the (digital) text.
Contents: The most important specialised databases and electronic full-text services in the field of music available to the users of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.
Target group: Students and teachers of musicology and musical education or of the artistic subjects in the field of music; scholars and professionals of other subject fields in which music plays an important supporting role
► To the webinar room
(You are asked to assign any desired guest name.)
(The webinar will be held in German.)
Please allow for around 1.5 hours duration of the course.
Access to the webinar room will be enabled 15 minutes before the scheduled start.
How do you attend a webinar?
Where can information on data protection be found?
Under the name "musiconn – Musicology connected" the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and the Saxon State and University Library provide digital services for musicologists.
musiconn – Musicology connected
Contents/focuses of content:
- The search tool enables you to search currently 19 musicologically relevant data sources, which contain around six million individual entries.
- The specialised repository musiconn.publish serves for publishing musicological expert literature in open access.
- Musical performance events, programme leaflets, concert announcements, reviews, etc. are pooled and made searchable in the new documentation and research tool musiconn.performance.
- The introduction to the FID licenses also contains information on which online resources at a charge have been licensed by musiconn and are made available to its users free of charge.
- The international inventory of musical sources "Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM)" and its function are introduced.
- The application musiconn.scoresearch offers a content-based score search by inputting the melody. It currently searches around 160,000 score pages, mainly early complete editions of important composers of the 18th and 19th century.
- A workflow for the long-term archiving of web pages has been set up at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. Within the scope of musiconn, this workflow is used for compiling a web archive for musicologically relevant web pages. It currently contains around 300 web pages, which are copied to the web archive twice per year (after obtaining the approval of the website’s operator).
Target group: Researchers and students of musicology, librarians
► To the webinar room
(You are asked to assign any desired guest name.)
(The webinar will be held in German.)
Please allow for around 1.5 hours duration of the course.
Access to the webinar room will be enabled 15 minutes before the scheduled start.
How do you attend a webinar?
Where can information on data protection be found?
Funded by the German Research Foundation, the Specialised Information Service for Musicology offers access to particularly precious and highly specialised, licensed media to music researchers domiciled in Germany.
The contents comprise:
- 4 full-text collections for e-books: ProQuest Ebook Central Music Collection, Oxford Scholarship Online Music Collection, Brill E-Book Collection Musikwissenschaft
- 3 full-text collections for e-journals, partly in connection with subject-specific bibliographies: JSTOR Complete Music Collection, Music Index with Full Text, RIPM Preservation Series
- 3 full-text collections of scores: BabelScores Contemporary Music Online Library, Music Online – Classical Scores Library II – V and RRIMO (Recent Researches in Music Online)
- 2 streaming services: and BabelScores and
- the subject-specific bibliography Index to Printed Music.
The webinar offers fundamental information on the following issues:
- How do I become a member of the specialist community of the FID Musicology?
- Where do I find access to the licensed media?
and introduces the licensed products on the basis of numerous search examples.
Target group: Researchers and students of musicology, librarians
► To the webinar room
(You are asked to assign any desired guest name.)
(The webinar will be held in German.)
Please allow for around 1.5 hours duration of the course.
Access to the webinar room will be enabled 15 minutes before the scheduled start.
How do you attend a webinar?
Where can information on data protection be found?