Opening hours of the registration office
Monday – Wednesday | 10:00 – 17:00 |
Thursday | 10:00 – 19:00 In August/September: 10:00 – 17:00 |
Friday | 10:00 – 17:00 |
Contact registration office
On the premises | Local Lending Area/ Registration (Ortsleihe/ Anmeldung, ground floor) |
Phone | +49 89 28638-2412 |
Fax | +49 89 28638-2612 |
Online | Online form |
Address | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Ortsleihe/ Anmeldung Ludwigstr. 16 80539 Munich |
Privacy policy – Registration
- Information on data protection with respect to registration for use
(Version: July 2020) (in German) - PDF version for download
(Version: July 2020) (PDF, 99 KB) (in German)
You have to register prior to using the services of the library.
A library card and BSB ID are required for:
- Ordering and collecting books and other media for home lending or consultation in one of the reading rooms
- Internet access at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
- External access to electronic books, journals and databases
(only for individuals with place of residence in the Federal Republic of Germany; for licensing reasons, some media are accessible exclusively for users living in Munich or in the Munich metropolitan area)
Required documents
- Valid personal ID with registered current place of residence in Germany (in the case of foreign personal IDs possibly with a current confirmation of place of residence of your community's registry office) or
- Valid passport, together with confirmation of place of residence by your municipality
- Students need to submit also their current student identity card.
- Non-EU residents need to submit their residence title and/ or visa in addition.
In the event that you forgot to bring required documents when registering on site, or in the event that you wish to extend an expired library account, the required documents may be filed online later:
Completing documents for registration (upload of files) (form in German)
The library card is free of charge.
Conditions for registration
- Minimum age 18 years (exceptions are possible for students of secondary schools)
- Registered place of residence in the Federal Republic of Germany for comprehensive use
(otherwise only limited use is possible) - Use of the library for academic purposes, professional work or further education
Registration on site
Library cards can be obtained exclusively in person at the registration office on the ground floor of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. After successful registration the library card can be used immediately also at the University Library of the Ludwig Maximilians University.
Lost your library card?
Please inform the registration office of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek about the loss of your library card immediately. As a first measure, we can lock your library card to prevent misuse. A replacement library card can be obtained (at a charge) exclusively in person at the library.
Forgot your password?
You have the following options:
- If you have entered an e-mail address in your library account, you can reset your password yourself using the "Forgot password?" function in BSB DISCOVER!
Tutorial on YouTube “How can I get a new password?” (in German) - You can come to the registration office in person, bringing your library card and a valid official personal identity card with you.
- You can phone the Ortsleihe (local lending service; phone: +49 89 28638-2412, Monday – Friday 9:00 – 17:00). Please have your BSB ID at hand when calling us. This telephone service can be used exclusively by the holder of the library card in person.
Personal data
Stored data
Upon registration, the following personal data are stored within the framework of computer-aided loan administration:
- Name
- First name
- Date of birth
- Address data
- Telephone numbers
- E-mail address
- Nationality
- In case of students also the university/ college
Since the machine-readable library card can also be used at the University Library of the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, these data are transmitted there if you have agreed to this data transfer.
How to change data
You can update the following data yourself in your library account in BSB DISCOVER!.
Access to the library account (by selecting Menu > Library account > Personal details)
- Address data
- Telephone number
- E-mail address
For all other changes, please visit the registration office on the library's ground floor in person, bringing the required documents with you,
Online registration (Online application for registration)
As an alternative to registering on site, you can also register online. After an online application for registration you will receive a BSB ID which allows you (initially for a limited time) to use library services, such as, for example, digital services or non-freely accessible e-media services. Please note that you need a library card for collecting ordered media and for accessing the reading rooms. This library card can be collected on site, at the registration office, usually two working days after filing your documents online. You will be informed by e-mail as soon as your library card is available for collection.
Students/employees of LMU

For students and employees of the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, the LMUcard is also the library card.
In case you have any questions, please contact the IT service desk of the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich.
IT service desk of the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
For further information please consult the website of the University Library of the LMU.
General information on the LMUcard
Institutes and faculties of the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich also contact the University Library for a library card.
Questions with respect to all library cards issued by the University Library of the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, need to be directed to:
Secondary-school students
Secondary-school students of at least 18 years can obtain a library card under standard registration conditions:
- Valid personal identification card (alternatively passport plus confirmation of place of residence by your municipality)
- In case of non-EU citizens, additionally the residence title or the visa
By submitting a valid student ID or valid confirmation by the school, they can obtain a reader pass with additional conditions for students.
Underage secondary-school students aged from 16 years and over need to submit the following documents in addition to the above-mentioned ones:
- Valid student identification card or other valid confirmation by your school
- Signed request for the admission of under-age students (starting at 16) at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, including letter of commitment of the parents (3 pages)
Form "Antrag auf Zulassung minderjähriger Schülerinnen und Schüler ..." (request for the admission of under-age students) (PDF, 268 KB)
Please bring this form in the DIN-A4 format, filled in legibly, with you to the registration office. - Identification card or copy of the identification card of the parent or legal guardian who signed the letter of commitment
- Munich City Library Am Gasteig
Students can usually obtain literature required for presentations or term papers also at the Munich City Library Am Gasteig and acquire the necessary research skills and information evaluation techniques there. The City Library offers special information events for this purpose.
- Nearest library in case of place of residence outside the Munich metropolitan area
In case you live outside of the Munich metropolitan area (range of the "S-Bahn" commuter railway network), you can also contact the public or academic library that is closest to your place of residence. Depending on your place of residence and the required subject, this library can be a city library or municipal library, a state regional library, college library or university library. Students can find literature required for presentations or term papers and acquire research skills and information evaluation techniques also in these libraries.
Any books or articles which are not available at your local library can be ordered within the framework of the interlibrary loan system. A library card of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is not required for this purpose.
Legal entities
Legal entities cannot register online.
Forms are available for the registration of legal entities in accordance with their legal form of organisation. Please fill in the corresponding form and bring it with you for registration.
- Registration of legal entities under private law
(i.a. association, limited liability company, public limited company, foundation under civil law)
The registration of legal entities under private law requires the submission of a corresponding proof of authorisation (e.g. in the form of a copy certified by a notary public or an authority or an official printout of the register of associations, trade register or register of cooperatives). A foundation under civil law is required to submit a certificate on power of representation issued by the responsible foundation authority.
Form (PDF, 158 KB) - Registration of legal entities under public law
(i.a. public corporations, public-law institutions and foundations under public law)
The registration of legal entities under public law requires the submission of a corresponding proof of authorisation (e.g. in the form of a power of attorney certified by a notary public or an authority). A foundation under public law is required to submit a certificate on power of representation issued by the responsible foundation authority.
Form (PDF, 162 KB) - Registration of (restricted) legal capacity business partnerships or companies under foreign law
(i.a. general partnership (OHG), limited partnership (KG), consolidated company or limited, business corporation, société)
The registration of (restricted) legal capacity business partnerships requires the submission of a corresponding proof of authorisation (e.g. in the form of the articles of partnership or a copy certified by a notary public or an authority or an official printout of the trade register or register of partnerships).
Form (PDF, 157 KB)
Foreigners without residence in Germany
In case you do not have a place of residence in Germany, the desired media can be ordered exclusively for consultation in the reading rooms. External access to electronic media (for which the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek holds licenses) is impossible in this case for licensing reasons.
For registration, a valid personal identification card or passport is required.
Opening hours of the service desk 1
(in the marble hall (1st floor) in front of the general reading room)
Monday – Friday | 09:00 – 17:00 |
Study visits
In case you wish to use the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek – exclusively in the reading rooms – within the framework of a work or study visit, please take into account that in most cases books and journals cannot be consulted straight away. The desired media must be ordered a few days in advance in BSB DISCOVER!.
In case you do not have a library card yet, please inform us of your visit in writing one week before your arrival date at the latest. Please note the conditions for registration in writing: Minimum age 18 years and registered residence outside Munich and outside the Munich metropolitan area (range of the "S-Bahn" commuter railway network).
When starting your research period you need to submit a valid personal identification card or passport.
Opening hours of the registration office and the Reading Room for Manuscripts and Rare Books
Monday – Friday | 09:00 – 17:00 |
Contact Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books
On the premises | In the reading room (1st floor) |
Phone | +49 89 28638-2263 |
Fax | +49 89 28638-2266 |
Online enquiry service | Online form |
Address | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Abteilung Handschriften und Alte Drucke Ludwigstr. 16 80539 Munich |
Manuscripts and rare printed works
Extra library card
(for manuscripts, rare printed works, personal papers)
For all manuscripts, rare printed works (e.g. classification mark groups Inc., Rar., Res., or L.sel.) and personal papers, a separate library card is required that is valid for the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books.
This library card can be obtained at the information counter in the Reading Room for Manuscripts and Rare Books by
- submitting an official personal identification document and
- stating the purpose of your research.
The library card is valid for one year initially, but the term can be extended.
Library card of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
(for early printed books and the reference library)
For early printed books (the other works of the publication years 1501 up to 1700) the library card of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is sufficient.
Please also note
The collections administrated by the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books can be used exclusively in the department's reading room. Please show your library card before entering the reference library and the reading room and enter your name in the journal.
In case you come to the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek from out of town (within the framework of a brief visit or study visit) or wish to consult material that is not searchable in our catalogues, it is recommendable to inform us of your visit in writing one week in advance.
The Articles 24 – 25 of the Allgemeine Benützungsordnung der Bayerischen Staatlichen Bibliotheken (ABOB) (General Regulations on the Use of Bavarian Public Libraries) are applicable to the use of manuscripts and early printed works.
National licenses
Around 150 databases were acquired for Germany-wide access (within the framework of so-called national licenses) with the support of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Conditions of use
Online registration via the national licenses portal
Provided that you have a permanent place of residence in the Federal Republic of Germany, you can obtain access to these databases by registering. The access data are sent to you by post after successful online registration.
Online form (and information on the online registration procedure)
Database list (in the national licenses portal)
Online registration via the Database Information System
The national license databases are all additionally catalogued in the Database Information System (DBIS).
The entry for the database in each case also contains information on the registration procedure.
Database list (in the Database Information System)
Please note:
In case you already hold a valid library card of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek comprising authorisation for external access, no additional registration is necessary.
Specialised information services
With the support of the DFG programme "Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft" (FID, specialised information services for scholarship and science), digital media (databases, e-books and electronic journals) are made available on a supra-regional level for use by the community of specialists and for scholarly research. Persons entitled to use this service can obtain access codes by registering online.
The following specialised information services of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek are supported by the German Research Foundation:
- FID Ancient Studies – Propylaeum Services and registration
- FID Historical Studies Services and registration
- FID Musicology Services and registration
- FID East, Central and Southeast European Studies Services and registration