Interlibrary loan

Contact Interlibrary Loan

AddressBayerische Staatsbibliothek
Fernleihe / ILL
Ludwigstr. 16
80539 Munich
Phone+49 89 28638-2413
+49 89 28638-2831
+49 89 28638-2643
Fax+49 89 28638-2788

For the users of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

The interlibrary loan system can be used for ordering literature for your scholarly work, vocational purposes or education and further training, which literature is not available at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek or in the collections of any other library in Munich.

Entitled persons

Owners of a valid reader pass of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek are in principle entitled to make use of the interlibrary loan system.


Such students and employees of the Munich universities and colleges (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Technische Universität München, Hochschule München and other colleges) are excluded, whose user number starts with the digits 03 – 11, 14, 27, 31 – 38, 40 – 50, 79, 80, 84 or 86.
In this case, you have to use the interlibrary loan options of the library of your university or college.

Inadmissible orders

Pursuant to the German Interlibrary Loan Code (Leihverkehrsverordnung, LVO), the following media are excluded from the especially staff- and cost-intensive interlibrary loan procedure:

  • Works which are available locally (this also encompasses works which are currently on loan, temporarily untraceable or form part of the non-lending, reference collection)
  • Works which are available from book traders at a price of up to € 15
  • Loose-leaf editions
  • Bound volumes of newspapers and other large-format works
  • New editions which cannot be expected to be available for lending yet (this refers to a time span of around ten months from the date of publication)
  • Diploma, bachelor of arts, master of arts theses, exam works and other theses for different types of degrees
  • DIN standards

Apart from this, libraries frequently also exclude the following media from interlibrary loan:

  • Works that are used frequently locally
  • Works from reference collections and reading rooms
  • Works which are particularly valuable or old or require special protection
  • Works in a bad state of conservation
  • Works conveying elementary or purely practical knowledge and skills (e.g. entertainment or hobby literature, travel guides, textbooks and non-fiction books)

Placing your order

Gateway Bayern

  • Search in the Gateway Bayern
    In the case that you cannot find a required title in BSB DISCOVER!, please continue your search in the Gateway Bayern.
    The Gateway Bayern is the Bavarian union catalogue (BVB) and contains the holdings of all academic libraries in Bavaria.
  • The hit list will then show you all hits.
    Clicking on a hit will take you to the individual hit display.
  • In the individual hit list, all libraries holding the required work are always listed under "Bestand im BVB" (holdings within the BVB).
    • First, you should verify there whether the title is available after all at a library in Munich. If so, you cannot order this title via interlibrary loan, but have to borrow it directly from the library in question or use it there.
    • Clicking on the individual libraries takes you directly to their corresponding local catalogues. There, you can obtain information about the exact location or can order the item, e.g. at the University Library of the LMU.
  • An interlibrary loan order can be placed by clicking the SFX button.
    • A new window is opened containing "Services für diesen Treffer" (services for this hit).
      Clicking on "Das will ich haben! Ein Service des Bibliotheksverbundes Bayern" (That's the one I want! A service by the Bavarian Library Network) opens a registration box in a further window.
    • As home library, please select "BSB München". For registration, your user number and your password of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek are required subsequently.
    • The interlibrary loan form is shown after logging in. Check the fields, fill in further specifications where required and send off your order subsequently.
  • Desired title not found?
    • In case you cannot find the desired title by searching the Gateway Bayern, you have the option to place an unlimited interlibrary loan order by clicking on "weitere Angebote" (further services) and "Freie Fernleihe" (unlimited interlibrary loan).
    • Please note: When you wish to order a copy, you always have to search for the title of the journal or of the omnibus volume, not for the title of the article.
    • After logging in with your home library and your login data (see above), you will be shown a selection page first. Here, you can take your pick among "Fernleihbestellung Buch" (order book by interlibrary loan), "Fernleihbestellung Kopie aus einem Buch" (order copy from a book by interlibrary loan) and "Fernleihbestellung Kopie aus einer Zeitschrift" (order copy from a journal by interlibrary loan). The order input mask will open next. Here, you can enter all specifics of the desired title.


Processing and delivery time

The time for processing an interlibrary loan order and delivery of the desired item usually amounts to 1 to 4 weeks.


You will be notified by e-mail as soon as the ordered book has arrived and is available for collection. In case an order cannot be processed or when there are questions concerning your order, you will also be notified by e-mail.

An alternative for urgently required literature

Experience shows that placing an interlibrary loan order is not expedient if literature is required urgently. For this purpose, please use the direct delivery services, which can guarantee to provide you with the required materials at a charge within 3 days.

Collecting and returning items

Collection, location of collection

The media ordered via interlibrary loan can be collected against production of your reader pass at the collection counter stated in the notification.

Please note that the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek must comply with the requirements and loan conditions of the libraries giving the items on loan. The media ordered via interlibrary loan can consequently not always be collected at the desired collection counter.

Returning items

Important! The yellow data carrier enclosed with the media contains the interlibrary-loan order number. Please be sure to return this data carrier together with the book.

Loan term


The conditions applicable to interlibrary loan items with regard to loan term, extension of loan term and reminders correspond to the general regulations of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. In addition, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek must comply with the requirements of the libraries giving the items on loan (for example use only in the reading room).

Extensions of loan term

Like in the case of items loaned from the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, you can request extensions yourself in the OPACplus. In case no extension of term is possible there, the lending library has not granted the option to extend the loan period.


Book orders within the German loan system

For interlibrary loan orders within the German interlibrary loan system, a fee of € 1.50 per order is charged regardless of successful provision of the desired item.
Please note that this fee must be paid also in the case that it is impossible to make the ordered item available to you.

Orders of copies within the German loan system

In the German loan system, a nominal charge of € 1.50 per copy is billed.
In special cases, for example copies of over 100 pages, the fees incurred may be higher. Such fees will always be billed only after we have notified you and received your feedback, however.

Declaration of consent

By sending the interlibrary loan order, you agree to pay the costs incurred.

Orders of items from abroad

Additional fees are incurred in different amounts when items are ordered from abroad (usually between  € 15 and € 30).
You are always informed and asked whether you are prepared to pay the additional costs before an interlibrary loan order is entered in the international interlibrary loan system.

For users of other libraries

Placing your order

When you need a book from the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, but you do not live in Munich, please contact your local library. An interlibrary loan order can be placed from your local library in this case.

Responsible local library

Your home library usually is the nearest university library or regional library. Interlibrary loan orders can frequently also be placed via city libraries or community libraries.


Please inquire at your local library about the conditions and costs possibly incurred by an interlibrary loan order.
Please note that we cannot confirm in binding fashion whether a medium can be made available via interlibrary loan prior to your order placement.
In case you wish to extend the loan period of an item from the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek please contact your home library first. This is also applicable to all other special issues.

For German libraries

Placing your order

In the event that you cannot use the central interlibrary loan server (ZFL, BVB libraries) or the interlibrary loan portal of your library association for ordering an item online, please place an unlimited order or send an e-mail to

Orders placed by e-mail must always contain the following data:

  • Complete bibliographic specifications
  • BSB class mark
  • Your internal order number
  • Your library's institution code
  • Your complete address
  • If applicable, further information, e.g. the amount of cost absorption, desired edition

For orders of copies which do not reach us online we additionally require the form linked below, filled in completely and signed by your library user.
Form for confirming the non-commercial use of ordered copies  (PDF, 18 KB)

Further enquiries

In case you have any questions, complaints or difficulties, please contact us via the enquiry function of the central interlibrary loan server (ZFL, BVB libraries) or send an e-mail (libraries belonging to other library associations).
In the event of technical problems, please contact the responsible system administrator. The system administration of the Bavarian Library Network (Bibliotheksverbund Bayern) can be reached via

Requests for home loan

To request items for home loan, please send us an e-mail, a fax or a written request by mail, containing all corresponding data.
Fax  +49 89 28638-2788

Loan period for media from the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

The basic loan period for interlibrary loan items is 6 weeks and is extended twice automatically by 4 weeks in each case.
For bound journal volumes, the loan period is only 3 weeks, plus a one-off, automatic extension by 2 weeks.

Extensions can be granted under reserve only. As soon as a title is reserved by another library user, you will receive a written request to send the medium back to us within 10 days.


The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek does not charge fees for the interlibrary loan of media. This is applicable with the exception of a fee of € 1.50 for each successfully concluded supraregional interlibrary loan procedure. The "working group of cooperative systems" has concluded a corresponding agreement. The fees are settled once annually on 30 June. For more detailed information please contact your association's headquarters.

Deliveries of copies within Bavaria and deliveries of copies from other library associations comprising up to 40 pages are free of charge on our part. In excess of 40 pages, the following flat charges are applicable for all library associations:

41 – 60 pages  6,00 €
61 – 80 pages  8,00 €
81 – 100 pages10,00 €

Bavarian libraries only charge for copy deliveries of higher numbers of pages (starting at 100 pages). For copy deliveries at a charge, the receiving libraries are invoiced individually. The invoice is sent under separate cover.

For libraries abroad

Placing your order

If you would like to order a medium from the holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek via international interlibrary loan, please order the desired title via Gateway Bayern.
Gateway Bayern

A detailed description of the ordering process can be found in the quick reference guide "How to place an ILL order" or in the help pages of the Gateway Bayern.
Quick reference guide "How to place an ILL order"  (PDF, 692 KB)
Gateway Bayern > Help

In case you have not yet registered for our Bavaria-wide international interlibrary loan system and do not have access data for this system, kindly send us an e-mail containing all data on your library (full name, ISIL, address, e-mail address). We will register you without delay to enable you to place your order in person.

If your library is a member of OCLC WorldShare, you are welcome to place your order via OCLC WorldShare. The international institution code of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is GEBAY.


Our fees can be gathered from the price list in the Gateway Bayern or from the Policies directory in OCLC WorldShare.
