"A visit to" Professor Bettina Wagner – Insights into the Bamberg State Library


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16 February 2022at 15:30

Maybe you are familiar with one in your vicinity: The ten regional State Libraries in Bavaria manage the literature and information provision in their region, but they also collect valuable old books, graphic works, personal papers and much more. They are subordinated to the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek with respect to the organisation structure.

Since 2016, Professor Bettina Wagner has been the Director of the Bamberg State Library, which is of supra-regional importance due to the quality of its holdings. Professor Bettina Wagner worked at the Manuscript Department of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek for a long time before, making a name for herself as an expert for manuscripts and early printed books. In our interview on 16 February 2022, we would like to learn more about her and her activities as the director of one of Germany’s most important academic libraries, but also use the opportunity to ask her some questions about her field of specialisation as a distinguished expert for manuscripts. And as usual in our series, you can also ask Professor Wagner questions using the chat function.

Video recording of the interview