Shoemakers' professional association, Vienna

When the collection sub-group "Radio München" was examined, the work "Anarchismus und Sozialismus" (anarchism and socialism) by Georg V. Plechanov was found, which was published in 1894. It bears the stamp: "Fachverein d[er]. Schuhmacher N[ord].-Oest[lich]., ORTSGRUPPE der mechanischen Arbeiter, VI. & VII. BEZ[irk]. WIEN" (Professional association of shoemakers north-east, LOCAL GROUP of mechanics workers, DISTRICTS VI & VII. VIENNA.)

Radio München  (entry in the Historisches Lexikon Bayerns)
Anarchismus und Sozialismus  (digital version)

After the annexation of Austria in 1938 the book was presumably confiscated following the abolition of the professional association of shoemakers. The book was then owned by Radio München, the broadcasting station of the American military government in Bavaria, after the end of the war. From there, it finally came to the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek as a donation in 1949.

The work was restituted to the "Landesinnung Wien der Schuhmacher und Orthopädieschuhmacher" (regional guild Vienna of shoemakers and orthopaedic shoemakers) as the rightful successor organisation on 26 October 2016.

The restituted title continues to be shown in BSB DISCOVER!.
The work could be digitized with the permission of the owner.
