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Example of the autocomplete function in the OPACplus/BSB catalogue | © BSB

The OPACplus/BSB catalogue now provides a new function forming part of the "Advanced search" mode, which can support your search, for example when specifications are incomplete. For the search categories "Title", "Author name" and “Subject (heading)", an autocomplete function has been implemented, which offers a selection of proposals with respect to your specifications input in these fields.

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Reading-out initiative vorlesen.zuhören.bewegen, logo

The Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture and the Bavarian State Ministry for the Family, Employment and Social Affairs have started the common reading-out initiative vorlesen.zuhören.bewegen (read.listen.move) this year, which is intended to run for a duration of several years. The goal of the initiative is to start a joint long-term campaign to raise awareness of the importance of reading and reading out to somebody.

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