Current projects

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Handschriftenportal: Creating a central national portal for manuscripts
Supported by DFG. Project coordination at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Birgit Seiderer
Project information
Manuscripts from St. Emmeram in Regensburg
6th volume, Clm 14690 – 14850.
Supported by DFG. Author(s): Dr. Anja Freckmann (formerly Dr. Friedrich Helmer and Dr. Julia Knödler)
Project information
Medieval German manuscripts from Cgm 7001 ff.
Author: Dr. Ursula Stampfer (former Dr. Elisabeth Wunderle)
Project information
Greek Manuscripts
6th volume, Cod.graec. 348 – 424.
Author: Dr. Kerstin Hajdù
Greek Manuscripts
7th volume, Cod.graec. 425 – 500.
Supported by DFG. Author: Dr. Marina Molin Pradel
Project information
Manuscripts from the Latin Supplement
Clm 28787 – 28999.
Author(s): Dr. Hardo Hilg (formerly Dr. Brigitte Gullath)