Official publications

Contact official publications

Sigrid Meisinger
Phone  +49 89 28638-2312

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek collects official publications from all over Germany on the basis of corresponding decrees on the level of the federal states and the central government. Such official publications are all one-off or regular publications which are published by or issued in the name of authorities, offices and agencies of the federal states and the central government. Increasingly, also digital works are collected, Internet publications in particular. The collection of official publications grows by around 7,000 units every year.

Bavarian official publications are collected in accordance with the decree by the Bavarian State Government as amended on 2 December 2008.
Abgabe amtlicher Veröffentlichungen an Bibliotheken (Issuance of official publications to libraries – Abgabe Bibliotheken – Abg-Bibl)  (PDF)

Individual official Internet publications can be handed in using the web-based process "Deposit" of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. Prior registration is required.
