
Contact Bayern-Konsortium

Dr. Hildegard Schäffler
Phone:  +49 89 28638-2216

Electronic journals
Dr. Ortwin Guhling
Phone:  +49 89 28638-2681

Dr. Kathrin Behrens
Phone:  +49 89 28638-2704

Dr. Michaela Hammerl
Phone:  +49 89 28638-2054

Services of the Bayern-Konsortium

The "Bayern-Konsortium" (Bavarian consortium) is an alliance of libraries with the aim of purchasing licenses for the use of databases, electronic journals and e-books collectively. The group of potential participants includes the university libraries, the libraries of universities of applied science, the state-funded regional libraries as well as the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, which is at the same time responsible for centrally conducting negotiations in close cooperation with the participating libraries.

For the members of the Bavarian consortium, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek centrally administrates the electronic journals pertaining to the consortium's contracts in the Electronic Journals Library (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek, EZB) and coordinates the cataloguing and indexing of the e-book parcels acquired by the consortium.

The Bavarian consortium also cooperates with libraries outside Bavaria and is represented in the supra-regional consortia organization (GASCO = German Austrian Swiss Consortia Organisation) by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

GASCO = German Austrian Swiss Consortia Organisation

Moreover, on behalf of the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek negotiates and manages the Germany-wide national and alliance licenses for electronic media within the framework of the support programme "Supra-regional literature provision and national licenses". Together with the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (Göttingen State and University Library; lead) and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Library), the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek additionally works on the DFG-funded project "establishment of a Competence Center for the Licensing of Electronic Resources” within the system framework of the DFG-funded Specialised Information Services for Science and Scholarship (FID).

Project web page "Competence Center for the Licensing of Electronic Resources (KfL)"

Licenses of the Bayern-Konsortium in LAS:eR

Institutions participating in license agreements of the Bayern-Konsortium (consortium of Bavarian academic libraries for the coordinated acquisition of electronic journals, e-books and databases) will find all information about their current consortium and alliance licenses in the electronic resource management system LAS:eR. The LAS:eR instance of the Bayern-Konsortium includes all licenses as of the year 2020. Access will be possible for all participating institutions after registration by the Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (Library Service Center of North Rhine-Westphalia; hbz).


Further platforms for licenses

An overview of all consortium, national and alliance licenses existing in Germany, Austria and Switzerland is provided by the GASCO Monitor.

GASCO Monitor

Information about national and alliance licenses supported by the DFG can also be found on the website

National licenses website

Participants in the Bayern-Konsortium

  • Bibliothek der Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
    (Library of the East-Bavarian Technical University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden)
  • Provinzialbibliothek Amberg
    (Provincial Library Amberg)
  • Bibliothek der Hochschule Ansbach
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Ansbach)
  • Staatliche Bibliothek Ansbach (Schlossbibliothek)
    (State Library Ansbach (Castle Library))
  • Bibliothek der Hochschule Aschaffenburg
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg)
  • Hofbibliothek Aschaffenburg
    (Court Library Aschaffenburg)
  • Bibliothek der Hochschule Augsburg
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg)
  • Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg
    (State and City Library Augsburg)
  • Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg
    (University Library Augsburg)
  • Staatsbibliothek Bamberg
    (Bamberg State Library)
  • Universitätsbibliothek Bamberg
    (University Library Bamberg)
  • Universitätsbibliothek Bayreuth
    (University Library Bayreuth)
  • Bibliothek der Hochschule Coburg
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Coburg)
  • Landesbibliothek Coburg
    (Regional State Library Coburg)
  • Bibliothek der Technischen Hochschule Deggendorf
    (Library of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology)
  • Studienbibliothek Dillingen
    (Dillingen College Library)
  • Universitätsbibliothek Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
    (University Library Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
  • Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg
    (University Library Erlangen-Nuremberg)
  • Bibliothek der Hochschule Hof
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Hof)
  • Bibliothek der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt
    (Library of the Technical University Ingolstadt)
  • Bbliothek der Hochschule Kempten
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Kempten)
  • Bbliothek der Hochschule Landshut
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Landshut)
  • Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich
  • Bibliothek der Katholischen Stiftungsfachhochschule München
    (Library of the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Munich)
  • Bibliothek der Hochschule München
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Munich)
  • Universitätsbibliothek der TU München
    (University Library of the Technical University Munich (TUM))
  • Universitätsbibliothek der Universität der Bundeswehr München
    (University Library of the University of the German Armed Forces Munich)
  • Universitätsbibliothek München (LMU)
    (University Library Munich (LMU))
  • Staatliche Bibliothek Neuburg an der Donau
    (Regional State Library Neuburg an der Donau)
  • Bibliothek der Hochschule Neu-Ulm
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm)
  • Bibliothek der Evangelischen Hochschule Nürnberg
    (Library of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg)
  • Bibliothek der Technischen Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
    (Library of the Technical University Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm)
  • Technische Universität Nürnberg
    (Technical University Nuremberg)
  • Staatliche Bibliothek Passau
    (Regional State Library Passau)
  • Universitätsbibliothek Passau
    (University Library Passau)
  • Bibliothek der Ostbayerischen Technischen Hochschule Regensburg
    (Library of the East-Bavarian Technical University of Applied Sciences Regensburg)
  • Staatliche Bibliothek Regensburg
    (Regional State Library Regensburg)
  • Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg
    (University Library Regensburg)
  • Bibliothek der Hochschule Rosenheim
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim)
  • Bibliothek der Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf)
  • Bibliothek der Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt
    (Library of the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt)
  • Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg
    (University Library Würzburg)