Volker Hinz
Born in Hamburg in 1947, died in Hamburg in 2019.
3.5 years training as an electrician in aircraft construction. Afterwards military service, took up photography during this period. Spent another 1.5 years in apprentice profession after military service. At the same time first sales of photographs to newspapers from 1967 onwards. 1971 to 1974 head of the "Sven Simon Fotoagentur" in Bonn following a recommendation by Rolf Gillhausen. 1974 to 2012 staff photographer at stern magazine; during that time period foreign correspondent New York from 1978 to 1986.
World Press Photo Awards
- 1973 Category "Portraits": 2nd Prize
- 1975 Category "People in the News": 2nd Prize
- 1976 Category "News Features": 3rd Prize
Art Directors Club Germany
- 1987 Goldmedal Editorial
- 1994 Honouring Magazine Title
- 2000 Honouring Photography
- 2002 Honouring Photography
- 2009 Bronze Nail Photography
Lead Awards
- 2009 Portrait
- 2013 Reportage
- Area. Photographs (1990)
- Private life of Muhammad Ali (2002)
- Volker Hinz (stern-Fotografie 67) (2012)
- Willy Brandt: eine Hommage in Bildern (2013)
- Volker Hinz – In Love with Photography (2015)
- Hello, again Volker Hinz (2021)
- Carrousel. Volker Hinz (2023)
Selection of photographs