Use and service
Booking a working place
Prior reservation of a working place is required for every visit to the reading room.
Further information on booking a working place in a reading room
To the date selection for the Periodicals Reading Room
All newspaper titles have been entered in BSB DISCOVER!.
Newspapers are usually not available for home lending.
Both printed volumes and microfilms are usually made available for collection in the General Reading Room or a different, specially selected reading room. Please take note of the information under "Loaning media".
Some newspapers on microfilm are shelved directly next to the microfilm readers in the General Reading Room and need not be ordered. These titles can be recognized in BSB DISCOVER! on the basis of the addition "Hbl/Film [...]" of the classification mark.
A number of current newspapers are available in the Periodicals Reading Room for a duration of usually 30 days.
The following newspaper titles are available:
- Augsburger Allgemeine
- Der Bund
- Contemporanul ideea europeana
- Corriere della sera
- Cumhuriyet
- Dolomiten
- Frankfurter Allgemeine / D
- Frankfurter Allgemeine / Sonntagszeitung / M
- Handelsblatt
- Izvestija
- Hē Kathēmerinē
- Main-Post
- Mittelbayerische / Zeitung fuer Regensburg
- Le Monde
- Muenchner Merkur
- Narodnaja hazeta
- Neue Zuercher Zeitung / Internationale Ausgabe
- Nordbayerischer Kurier / 21
- Nuernberger Nachrichten / B
- El Pais
- Die Presse
- Salzburger Nachrichten
- Der Standard
- Sueddeutsche Zeitung / Stadt-Ausgabe / 1MG
- Der Tagesspiegel
- The Times
- Volksblatt / Tageszeitung für Wuerzburg
- The Wall Street journal Europe
- Die Welt
- Die Zeit
The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek holds licenses for some electronic newspapers. Among them are e.g. the "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" or the "Frankfurter Allgemeine". The majority of the electronic newspaper titles can be retrieved from two comprehensive databases: via "Nexis" with several thousand international newspapers and via "wiso", whose press module offers full-text access to over 100 German-language newspapers. These newspaper titles, important information regarding the conditions of access and a number of links to further frequently used newspapers are all available in the Database Information System (DBIS).
Digital copies of newspapers held by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek are provided in the newspaper portal "digiPress". Further free and also licensed offers of historical newspapers and newspaper collections, such as "The Times Digital Archive 1785 – 1985" or also "Austrian Newspapers Online" are also accessible using the Database Information System.