Use and service
Direct links: Loaning media
Search and order | BSB DISCOVER! |
Information overview | Loaning media |
Service opening hours and further information | Media collection, media return |
Do you need a library card? | Registration |
Holdings of the music collection available for lending
More recent books and periodicals about music and more recent sheet music (without voices) can also be borrowed for use at home.
Media such as sheet music prints with voices, large scores, sound carriers etc. are only made available for use in the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images.
Ordering and collecting media
To obtain books and media for home loan, these items need to be ordered using BSB DISCOVER!. For this purpose you need a library card which can be requested in person at the library's registration office.
Ordered media are available for collection after 2 to 3 working days on average. Those for home lending can be collected in the book collection area on the ground floor.
Booking a working place
Prior reservation of a working place is required for every visit to the reading room.
Further information on booking a working place in a reading room
To the date selection for the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Opening hours Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Monday – Friday | 09:00 – 17:00 In August: 09:00 – 14:00 |
Direct links: Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Shelving system of the reference library | System |
Finding the reading room collection in the catalogue (Hbm) | BSB DISCOVER! |
Contact Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Phone | +49 89 28638-2351 | | |
Online inquiry service | Online form |
Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images – Reading room section for music
The Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images – on the 1st floor – is a special reading room for scholarly users with an interest in these areas.
Reference library music
The music section of the reading room offers a reference library with around 8,800 volumes. In particular, the reference library encompasses all types of bibliographies, catalogues and reference works, basic musicological literature and music periodicals, as well as musical monument series and complete editions.
Reading room loan to the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
The collections of the Department of Music, one of the leading music libraries also on an international scale, are made available to musicological research and music practice. The Department of Music has a duty to protect its valuable cultural goods carefully and preserve them for future generations indefinitely. This basic principle requires differentiated regulations of use.
The following parts of the collections may be used exclusively in the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images:
- Printed sheet music with voices
- Large scores
- Facsimile editions
- Microforms
- Sound carriers
- Music manuscripts
- Personal papers related to music
- Special collections, such as the historical performance materials of the Bavarian state opera (
- All historical, rare and particularly valuable holdings
- All works in a poor state of conservation
For music manuscripts and for rare historical prints usually digital copies or microfilms and other types of reproduction are provided. The originals can be made available only after consultation with our staff.
Music manuscripts, the historical performance materials of the Bavarian state opera ( and collections from personal papers can be ordered in person in the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images, using a white order slip and stating the purpose of the intended use. The use of items from the strong room and personal papers must be requested in writing in advance.