Current activities, events

Participation in conferences
By employees of the Department of Music of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Participation in conferences since 2015
- 23 – 28 June: IAML Congress, Stellenbosch (South Africa)
- 22 – 24 November: Colloquium "Monographic archives of fin-de-siècle composers", Locarno
- 21 – 22 November: Symposium "Music sources of the 19th century in Germany": Challenges and opportunities", Munich
- 23 – 25 October: DFG Round Table "Thermography digitization of watermarks in music manuscripts", Vienna
- 19 – 21 October: Congrès biennal de la Société française de musicologie, Angers
- 04 – 07 October: GfM Annual Conference, Saarbrücken
- 19 – 22 September: IAML Germany Annual Conference, Lübeck
- 31 July – 02 August: The Munich Court Chapel at 500. Tradition, Devotion, Representation, Munich
- 30 July – 04 August: IAML Congress, Cambridge
- 24 – 28 July: Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Munich
- 21 March: 1st Study day of the Centre d'études et de documentation musicales of the National Library, Luxembourg
- 01 – 05 March: MLA Conference, St. Louis (Missouri)
- 10 – 11 November: Workshop "Research Data in the Humanities" of the eHumanities Working Group, Munich
- 07 – 09 October: RISM Conference "Musical Sources: Past and Future", Mainz
- 30 September – 02 October: GMTH Annual Conference, Salzburg
- 28 September – 01 October: GfM Annual Conference, Berlin
- 13 – 16 September: IAML Germany Annual Conference, Düsseldorf
- 24 – 29 July: IAML Congress, Prague
- 04 – 05 November: Lasso Symposium, Munich
- 28 September – 01. Oktober: GfM Congress, Bonn
- 21 – 24 September: IAML Germany Annual Conference (online)
- 26 – 30 July: IAML Congress (online)
- 23 – 24 October: Symposium on Archiving and Re-performing Electro-Acoustic Music, SLUB Dresden
- 16 – 19 September: Musikwissenschaft nach Beethoven (Musicology after Beethoven), XVIIth International congress of the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (Musicological Society), Bonn
- 15 – 18 September: Convention of the IAML national group Germany, Beethoven House Bonn
- 19 – 24 July: IAML Congress, Prague
- 16 – 18 July: 20th International Conference of Association RIdIM, Národní Muzeum, České Muzeum Hudby, Prague
- 08 – 09 July: NFDI Conference 2020 (Webinar)
- 01 – 04 July: Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Edinburgh
- 26 June: Forum: Music before 1600; Colloquium at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
- 15 May: Convention "Wasserzeichen in Musikquellen" (Watermarks in musical sources), Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
- 21 April: CMO Cataloging Working Group Meeting, Orient-Institut (Oriental Institute), Istanbul
- 16/17 March: 25. Magdeburger Telemann-Festtage (25th Magdeburg Telemann Festival), international academic conference on the topic: "Die Überlieferung der Werke Telemanns – Perspektiven der Forschung" (The tradition of Telemann’s works – Perspectives of research), Zentrum für Telemann-Pflege und -Forschung (Center for Telemann Preservation and Research), Magdeburg
- 17 – 21 January: Conference "Notensatz im 21. Jahrhundert – Entwicklungen und Perspektiven" (Music notation in the 21st century – Development and perspectives), University Mozarteum in Salzburg
- 31 October – 03 November 2019: Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Boston
- 16 – 18 October 2019: 5th International Conference on Watermarks in Digital Collections, Cork, Ireland
- 10 – 11 October 2019: Thematic conference "Opportunities and perspectives of musicological projects in the 21st century", Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz
- 23 – 26 September 2019: Annual conference of the Musicological Society (Gesellschaft für Musikforschung), Paderborn University and Detmold University of Music
- 17 – 20 September 2019: Annual conference of the IAML Ländergruppe Germany, Augsburg
- 09 September 2019: NFDI4Culture "Culture Community-Workshop", Berlin
- 04 – 06 September 2019: Conference of the Working Group of Special Libraries (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Spezialbibliotheken, ASpB), Frankfurt am Main
- 14 – 19 July 2019: IAML congress, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
- 29 May 2019: Music Encoding Conference, Vienna
- 09 – 11 May 2019: Workshop/Conference on the Work Level in RISM, Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz
- 05 April 2019: Workshop at the Musicological Institute of the Humboldt University Berlin, "Text and music edition in the age of digitization"
- 13 – 14 December 2018: Workshop on research data in musicology/audio-visual cultural assets, Paderborn
- 23 – 24 November 2018: Annual conference of the IASA Ländergruppe Germany/Switzerland, Bremen
- 25 – 28 September 2018: Conference of the Musicological Society (Gesellschaft für Musikforschung), University of Osnabrück
- 23 – 27 September 2018: The 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Paris
- 22 – 27 July 2018: Annual conference of the International Association of Music Libraries, Music Archives and Music Documentation Centers (IAML), University of Music and Theatre "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy", Leipzig
- 05 – 08 July 2018: Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference (MedRen2018), Music Department at Maynooth University (Ireland)
- 30 June 2018: Symposium on the 175th anniversary of the death of Peter Huber from Sachrang, municipality Aschau in Chiemgau
- 28 – 30 June 2018: Lasting Impressions – Music and Material Cultures of Print in Early Modern Europe, Conference at the University of Salzburg
- 14 June 2018: Symposium "Romanticism in Württemberg", Working Group for Regional and Local History, Central State Archives, Stuttgart
- 27 – 28 April 2018: 20th Conference of Music Libraries and Archives, Athens (IAML Greece)
- 20 – 22 April 2018: Symposium of the Joseph-Woelfl Society (Joseph-Woelfl-Gesellschaft), Bonn
- 11 – 14 April 2018: Musikmesse (Trade fair for musical instruments, sheet music, music production and marketing), Frankfurt
- 22 and 23 March 2018: "Etlich Liedlein zu singen oder uff der Orgeln und Lauten zu schlagen" ("To sing many a tune or to play the organ and the lute"), academic conference, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
- 26 February – 01 March 2018: DHd conference (Digital Humanities in the German-language area), University of Cologne
- 16 – 18 November 2017: "Quellen, Repertoire und Überlieferung der Kantate im deutschen Südwesten 1700 – 1770" ("Sources, repertoire and tradition of the cantata in south-western Germany 1700 – 1770"), conference of the State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart and the regional church archive (landeskirchliches Archiv) Stuttgart
- 07 – 09 November 2017: International Workshop „Metadata Profiles for MEI“ in Mainz
- 05 – 07 October 2017: Music and Dance in Visual Culture, 17th International Conference of the Association Répertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale (RIdIM), Music Library of Greece "Lilian Voudouri"
- 27 – 30 September 2017: Annual conference of the Musicological Society (Gesellschaft für Musikforschung), University of Kassel
- 05 – 08 September 2017: IAML conference, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster (University and Regional Library Münster)
- 04 – 08 July 2017: Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference 2017 (Med-Ren 2017), Convent of St. Agnes, Prague
- 18 – 22 June 2017: IAML Congress in Riga, National Library of Latvia
- 30 May – 02 June 2017: 106th Bibliothekartag (librarians' conference) in Frankfurt
- 08 – 09 April 2017: Karajan/FH Salzburg Classical Music Hack Day, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
- 13 – 15 March 2017: Colloquium "Music as Cultural Heritage", New York University Abu Dhabi
- 18 – 19 November 2016: Annual conference of the IASA state group Germany/Switzerland in Stuttgart
- 18 – 19 November 2016: Winter school Digital Musicology, musicological seminar of the Eberhard-Karls University, Tübingen
- 14 – 17 September 2016: International congress of the Society for Music Research (Gesellschaft für Musikforschung, GfM) at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz
- 06 – 09 September 2016: 69th conference of the working group of Catholic-theological libraries (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholisch-Theologischer Bibliotheken, AKThB) in Brixen
- 06 – 07 September 2016: Annual IAML conference in Detmold
- 30 July 2016: 12th Stimmwerck conference 2016 "Cipriano de Rore & Ivan Moody" in Adlersberg near Regensburg
- 03 – 08 July 2016: IAML congress in Rome (International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres)
- 30 June – 02 July 2016: 6th Karl-Graf-Spreti Symposium: Journey to Italy 1715/16. The "Giro d' Italia" of Prince Elector Charles Albrecht in the political-cultural context, Catholic Academy, Munich
- 19 – 21 May 2016: III International Joseph-Woelfl Symposium in Prag
- 17 – 19 March 2016: Congress Pleasing to the eye and the ear. The choir books of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. International congress, exhibition and concert, Munich
- 08 March 2016: Composer databases and portals: Exchange formats and networking potential: Pre-conference workshop at the Bach Archive in Leipzig
- 07 – 12 March 2016: 3rd Annual conference of the association Digital Humanities in the German-language area (DHd) at the University in Leipzig
- 21 – 23 January 2016: Collecting, making music, researching; the courtly music of Dresden of the 18th century, International colloquium at the SLUB Dresden
- 20 November 2015: An evening of Orlando di Lasso: Presentation and concert. The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is the producer of the database introduced on this occasion "Orlando di Lasso: Seine Werke in handschriftlicher Überlieferung".
- 16/17 October 2015: Conference of the composers' societies "Digitisation and copyright" in Munich (Orff Centre)
- 29 September – 02 October 2015: Annual conference of the Musicological Society (Gesellschaft für Musikforschung, GfM) in Halle
- 22 – 25 September 2015: Annual IAML conference in Stuttgart
- 09 September 2015: Expert colloquium on research data at the Edirom Summer School in Paderborn
- 18 – 23 August 2015: International Conference Petrus Alamire in Antwerp
- 13 – 15 July 2015: Conference in Salzburg: "Good impressions: The First Century of Music Printing and Publishing" (PDF)
- 06 – 09 July 2015: Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference in Brussels
- 21 – 26 June 2015: IAML/IMS Conference in New York (International Association of Music Libraries/International Musicological Society)
- 26 – 29 May 2015: 104th Bibliothekartag (librarians' conference) in Nuremberg
- 18 – 21 May 2015: Music Encoding Conference in Florence
- 23 April 2015: RISM colloquium at the RISM central editorial office in Frankfurt
The event series
Initiated in 2010 with the generous support of the association of Sponsors and Friends of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, the event series "Werkstattkonzerte", which is realised in cooperation with the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich, has become a fixture in the calendar of events of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek by now. The unique holdings of the Music Department are outstanding cultural goods and are a magnet not only for scholars and researchers, but also for laymen interested in culture. The concerts create an opportunity to present them publicly, make them come to life and to make the value of the collection immediately tangible.
The workshop concerts do not present the music on its own, though, but serve to make spheres of life, biographies, milieus, cultural areas tangible and make them resound. This sensualisation is of course not accomplished by the music interpretations alone. The music is embedded in a context of recitation (example: "Immer Dein alter Reger") or presentation ("Facets of the dulcimer"). It is presented within the framework of a multimedia production ("Jazz in the light") or is flanked by a panel discussion with contemporary witnesses (project island Hartmann – Henze) or is even showcased in the form of a chamber music theatre performance, as developed and realised exclusively for this series as a unique project titled "Silentium" together with the Bavarian Theatre Academy August Everding. The creative scope for design of such a workshop concert is thus unlimited, at least from an artistic point of view.
Each concert is accompanied by the opening of a cabinet presentation in the hallway to the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images, presenting historical sources from the holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, in tune with the respective topic of the concert event.
15 November 2024
"Ebenso ins Offene" – Der Komponist Peter Michael Hamel
Conversation concert. Participants: Prof. Dr. h. c. Peter Michael Hamel, Prof. Dr. Dorothea Hofmann, Johann Obermeier (piano), Peter Son Götz (violin), Lycoris Quartet
21 November 2023
"Die erste Komponistin unserer Zeit" – Lieder und Kammermusik von Luise Adolpha Le Beau
A concert of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich with students from the vocal and instrumental classes of the university
15 November 2022
"Ich sehne mich nach reiner Luft in der Kunst". Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari (1876 – 1948) – The early years
A concert of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich with students from the vocal and instrumental classes of the university (under the direction of Prof. Christiane Iven)
21 November 2019
"There is no lack of various virtuosos here". Chamber music at the Munich court of Elector Karl Theodor
A concert of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich with Susanne Kapfer (soprano), Christine Schornsheim (fortepiano) and students of the university.
22 November 2018
Heinrich Kaminski and Hugo Distler. Instrumental works
A concert of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich with Teresa Allgaier (violin), Manuel Nägeli (viola), Ronja Putz (violin), Prof. Christine Schornsheim (harpsichord), Andrii Slota (harpsichord) and the strings of the university orchestra, under the direction of Volker Hiemeyer.
Report in the journal Bibliotheksmagazin 1 | 2019 (PDF, 39 MB)
23 November 2017
"To sing many a tune or to play the organ and the lute" – Tablature manuscripts in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
A concert of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich, under the direction of Joel Frederiksen, in cooperation with Evangelina Mascardi and Michel Eberth.
Film about the cabinet presentation and the workshop concert on Youtube
Report in the journal Bibliotheksmagazin 1 | 2018 (PDF, 10.4 MB)
15 November 2016
"You, my dear Rossini! I will mention first." Rossini's conquest of Munich in 1816
Participants: Wind ensemble of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich, under the direction of Prof. Dr. François Leleux.
Report by Feuilletonscout on 19 November 2016
Further reports in the news bulletin "Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen Rossini-Gesellschaft" and the journal Bibliotheksmagazin 2|2017 (PDF, 13.6 MB)
05 November 2015
"Never-ending song". The "Israelites manuscript" (1832) as musical founding document of the Jewish community in Munich
(Jüdische Allgemeine 14 August 2014).
Participants: Dr. Alon Schab and David Rees, vocal ensemble of the madrigal choir of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich (conductor: Prof. Martin Steidler), members of the Munich synagogue choir of the Jewish community in Munich and Upper Bavaria (conductor: David Rees), cantor Amnon Seelig. Welcoming speech: Dr. Charlotte Knobloch
Welcoming speech by Dr. Charlotte Knobloch (PDF, 190 KB)
21 Oktober 2014
On the occasion of the 175th anniversary of Josef Gabriel Rheinberger
(Prof. Martin Steidler with a reduced madrigal choir of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich and soloists).
Report in the journal Bibliotheksforum Bayern 1|2015: "Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1829 – 1901)"
26 March 2014
"Facets of the dulcimer"
(Birgit Stolzenburg-de Biasio with students of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich).
Report in the journal Bibliotheksmagazin 3|2014: "Dergleichen ist mir nie zu Ohren gekommen" ("Such a sound has never come to my ears") (PDF, 9.3 MB)
26 October 2013
"Wherefrom – whereto ... Candour – brio – sincerity": Project island Hartmann – Henze
(Novus String Quartet, Prof. Dr. Peter Petersen, Prof. Jan Müller-Wieland and Andreas Hérm Baumgartner from the K.-A.-Hartmann Society).
Report in the journal Bibliotheksmagazin 1|2014: "Weiter zu lieben, weiter zu kämpfen" ("To continue loving, to continue struggling") (PDF, 5.4 MB)
12 April 2013
Silentium – Die Angst des Beamten vor dem Präzedenzfall : Eine Musiklesesaalerkundung für Fortgeschrittene und Anfänger
(Silentium – The public servant's fear of the precedent: An exploration of the Music Reading Room for advanced learners and beginners)
(In cooperation with the Bavarian Theatre Academy August Everding).
Report in the journal Bibliotheksmagazin 3|2013: "Silentium, oder die Angst des Beamten …" (PDF, 3.6 MB)
28 March 2012
"FANDANGO!" – Eine kammermusikalische Reise mit Gitarre durch die Klassik
(A chamber-musical journey with guitar through classical music)
(Prof. Franz Halász).
Report in the journal Bibliotheksmagazin 2|2012: "Fast 50 Jahre verschollen" ("Lost for almost 50 years") (PDF, 3.6 MB)
16 November 2011
"JAZZ im LICHT – Live Performance für Augen und Ohren"
("JAZZ in the light – A live performance for eyes and ears")
(Prof. Claus Reichstaller with students and tutors of the Jazz Institute of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich).
23 February 2011
"Immer Dein alter Reger – Accordarbeiter"
("Always your old Reger – Diligent piece worker")
(Reading with Prof. Popp / Max-Reger Institute Karlsruhe and a string quartet and a vocal duo).
Report in the journal Bibliotheksmagazin 2|2011: "Ein Werkverzeichnis und seine Folgen" ("A catalogue raisonné and its consequences") (PDF, 2.7 MB)
28 June 2010
"Die Comedian Harmonists sangen ..."
("The Comedian Harmonists sang ...")
(Die Nostalphoniker).
Report in the journal Bibliotheksmagazin 3|2010: "Werkstattkonzerte in München"
The event series
One important institutional collection mandate of the Department of Music of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is directed at the artistic and biographical sources of composers and musicians from Bavaria. While the "Workshop Concerts" in cooperation with the University of Music and Performing Arts of Munich stage rarely heard or even forgotten compositions from our collections and personal papers, thus reviving musical history by making it resound, the focus of the "(d#)sonanzen" concert series is not on history, historical importance or marginalia, but on offering an experience of contemporary music and music culture. In cooperation with the associations of musical artists Tonkünstlerverband Bayern e.V. and Tonkünstler München e.V., such materials are made audible that have not yet become "history", thereby eluding our historical assessment and selection. This requires some degree of openness and confidence on the part of the listener to venture out on mostly unknown paths. The reward is a stimulating, intensive experience that ideally puts our aesthetic inertia and habits at risk in an exciting way.
10 May 2023
The concert was titled "Munich – Augsburg – Würzburg: Composition teachers at colleges and conservatories". Four piano trios by four Bavarian composition teachers of different generations were performed: Josef Gabriel Rheinberger, Günter Bialas, Richard Heller and Bertold Hummel. The musicians were Eva Schieferstein (piano), Mario Korunić (violin) and Philipp von Morgen (violoncello).
27 October 2021
The motto of the concert on 27 October was: "100 years of dodecaphonism: The aftermath of the Second Viennese School in Bavaria". Works by Arnold Schönberg, Wolfgang Fortner, Fritz Büchtger, Volker Nickel, Wilhelm Killmayer, Dieter Schnebel, Johannes X. Schachtner, Helmut Lachenmann and Philippe Schick were played. The performers were Katerina Giannitsioti (violoncello), Brigitte Helbig (piano) and Andreas Skouras (piano).
Preliminary report ("A school for slack ears") in the Forum Musikbibliothek 41 | 2020 | Issue 2
08 May 2019
The concert on 8 May brought works by four generations of composers living in Bavaria to the listeners’ ears: "Skin" for string quartet by Katharina Schmauder (dedicated to Gloria Coates), "No one" for string quartet by Isabel Mundry, "EOS" for flute and alto flute by Dorothee Eberhardt and "Tuning to" (for two flutists), as well as a movement from the "String Quartet No. 9" (b) by Gloria Coates. The pieces were played by the Centaur Quartet (Katharina Schmauder, Annette Fritz, Marc Kaufmann and Caio de Azevedo) and the flutist duo Elisabeth Weinzierl & Edmund Wächter.
Report in the journal Bibliotheksmagazin 3 | 2019 (PDF, 16 MB)
Cabinet presentations: Music treasures of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
With "The Murmuring Breezes by Adolf Jensen", a new series of cabinet presentations in the hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images was started in July 2009, titled "Music treasures of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek". Since this time, the Music Department has presented treasures from its rich collection at irregular intervals, topically grouped and with expert annotation. Also a number of larger exhibition projects have been organised, for example "Max Reger – Accordarbeiter" ("Max Reger – Piece worker") in 2011, "Richard Wagner – Die Münchner Zeit (1864 – 1865)" ("Richard Wagner – The time in Munich") two years later, and finally the exhibition "Musikalische Schätze der Renaissance – Handschriften und Drucke mit Werken Cipriano de Rores" ("Musical treasures of the Renaissance – Manuscripts and prints of works of Cipriano de Rore") in 2014. The particularly valuable exhibits were shown in the library's treasure vault (Schatzkammer) and in the hallway in front of the Reading Room for Manuscripts and Rare Books in all three projects. The chronology of presentations and exhibitions likewise encompasses occasional cooperative projects ("Richard Strauss" in 2009, "Max Reger" in 2011) or guest exhibitions ("75 years Carmina Burana" in 2012).
The connection of the cabinet presentations with the workshop concerts represents a particular feature. In tune with the topic of the individual concert event, accompanying historical sources from the holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek are shown in the hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images for the duration of the presentation.
15 November 2024 – 14 February 2025
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
„Ebenso ins Offene” – Der Komponist Peter Michael Hamel
(From the series "Musical treasures")
24 July – 06 October 2023 (extended until 30 November 2023)
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
... quia Musicam colunt. Wilhelm IV., Ludwig Senfl und die Anfänge der Münchner Hofkapelle
24 – 28 July 2023
Presentation in the treasure chamber
MUSIK MANUSKRIPTE – Musikschätze aus Mittelalter und Renaissance. Cimelien der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek
15 November 2022 – 30 March 2023
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
„Ich sehne mich nach reiner Luft in der Kunst”. Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari (1876 – 1948) – The early years
21 November 2019 – 30 April 2020
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
"There is no lack of various virtuosos here". Music at the Munich court of Elector Karl Theodor
22 November 2018 – 29 March 2019
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Heinrich Kaminski and Hugo Distler – Life journeys
02 July – 21 September 2018
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
A (not) forgotten Munich personality: The pianist Sofie Menter and Franz Liszt
23 November 2017 – 28 March 2018
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
"To sing many a tune and to play the organ and the lute" – Tablature manuscripts in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
17 July – 17 November 2017
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Water Music – On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Handel’s famous orchestra suite
15 November 2016 – 31 March 2017
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
"You, my dear Rossini! I will mention first." Rossini's conquest of Munich in 1816
11 January – 11 March 2016
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
"Don Quixote" in music
5 November 2015 – 6 January 2016
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Music in the synagogue
7 January – 20 March 2015
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Paper sounds. Music, art, avant-garde in the 20th century
1 October – 14 November 2014
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
On the occasion of the 175th anniversary of Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1839 – 1901)
26 March – 25 April 2014
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
"Such a sound has never come to my ears". Music for dulcimer at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
26 October – 21 March 2014
Schatzkammer (Treasure Vault)
Musical treasures of the Renaissance – Manuscripts and prints of works of Cipriano de Rore
28 October – 18 December 2013
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Wherefrom – whereto ... Candour – brio – sincerity. Project island Hartmann – Henze
15 March – 28 May 2013
Schatzkammer (Treasure Vault)
Richard Wagner – The time in Munich (1864 – 1865)
7 January – 1 March 2013
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Rock, pop, hip hop
21 June – 6 October 2012
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
75 years Carmina Burana by Carl Orff. Genesis, premiere, impact of a global success
28 March – 31 May 2012
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
The guitaristic collection Fritz Walter and Gabriele Wiedemann
19 December 2011 – 28 January 2012
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Music from all around. A representative selection of literature from 40 years of DFG-funded collection building in the "special collection field music"
16 October – 16 December 2011
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Jazz in Munich
15 May – 30 September 2011
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Publications from the music collection. Facsimiles, new editions, monographs
21 January – 6 March 2011
Schatzkammer (Treasure Vault)
Max Reger – Piece worker
11 October – 12 November 2010
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
The composer Herbert Baumann – A retrospective
29 June – 27 August 2010
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Beyond musicology: Salon, popular, film music
17 May – 11 June 2010
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
Joseph Haas (1879 – 1960)
25 March – 11 April 2010
Marble hall
Richard Strauss. His life and work mirrored by contemporary caricature
9 July – 31 July 2009
Hallway in front of the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images
"The Murmuring Breezes" by Adolf Jensen