Maps in special collections
With the takeover of the library of the Bavarian Minister Maximilian von Montgelas (1759 – 1838) in 1971 and of the library of the Bayerische Hütten- und Salzwerke AG (BHS; Bavarian Smeltery- and Salt Works corporation) in the year 1995, important cartographic works were added to the holdings. These were incorporated into the collection shortly after the transfer (without entering the provenance).
This is also applicable to maps of India and of the Himalayas from the personal papers of the brothers Schlagintweit. From the personal papers of the geographer and explorer Gottfried Merzbacher (1843 – 1926), there are many interesting maps of central Asia, which were likewise incorporated into the collection.
Repertory of the personal papers of the brothers Schlagintweit
Repertory of the personal papers of Gottfried Merzbacher
Jahn, Cornelia: Die Bibliothek der Bayerischen Berg-, Hütten- und Salzwerke AG. In: Treml, Manfred; Jahn, Wolfgang; Brockhoff, Evamaria (ed.): Salz macht Geschichte: Aufsätze. Augsburg, 1995. p. 261-266.
Rosenfeld, Hellmut: Maximilian Graf von Montgelas und seine Bibliothek. In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern 2 (1974), p. 179-209.