

In accordance with its function as state library of the Free State of Bavaria, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek collects cartographic works from and about Bavaria as comprehensively as possible. Maps and atlases concerning Bavaria have the classification mark "Mapp. XI." The collection currently includes around 20,000 maps.

Moreover, also land register plans published in the period between 1840 and 2000 form part of the collection: around 150,000 to 200,000 plans in the scales 1:5,000, 1:2,500 and 1:1,000, and also so-called "Ortsblätter" (cartographic maps of locations) and special supplements. The individual location maps have not been catalogued individually and need to be ordered by means of overview maps in the Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images.

Reading Room for Music/Maps/Images

The most important works

In addition to a number of globes and views, 180 hand-drawn maps should be mentioned (classification mark: Cod.icon.) and over 8,000 old maps.

Globes | Views | Hand-drawn maps | Old maps

As most important works the following should be mentioned:

  • Aventin: Bayernkarte (map of Bavaria, preserved only as a facsimile copy)
  • Philipp Apian: Bairische Landtaflen. Ingolstadt 1568
  • The works of the Nuremberg and Augsburg publishers Anton Wilhelm Ertl, Christoph Weigel, Johann Stridbeck, Gabriel Bodenehr, Johann Baptist Homann, Matthaeus Seutter, Tobias Conrad Lotter and Johann Michael Probst
  • The atlases of Adrian von Riedl
  • Topographischer Atlas vom Königreiche Baiern 1:50,000 (topographic atlas of the Kingdom of Bavaria)
  • Positionsblätter des Königreichs Bayern 1:25,000 (position sheets of the Kingdom of Bavaria)
  • Carte de la Bavière 1:100,000
  • Carl Wilhelm von Gümbel: Geognostische Karte des Königreichs Bayern 1:100,000 (geognostic map of the Kingdom of Bavaria)


Cartographia Bavariae: Bayern im Bild der Karte. Exhibition and catalogue: Hans Wolff. Weißenhorn, 1988. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Ausstellungskataloge. 44.

Die Vermessung Bayerns: 450 Jahre Philipp Apians Große Karte. Edited by the Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinformation in cooperation with the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. München, 2013.

Philipp Apian und die Kartographie der Renaissance. Exhibition and catalogue: Hans Wolff. Weißenhorn, 1989. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Ausstellungskataloge. 50.

App: Bayern in historischen Karten (Bavaria in historical maps)
