
TIP Award 2022 – The team of the prizewinning project [from left to right]: Andreas Grassl, Kay Hartel, Chris Becker, Michael Becht | © Pia Plechinger (HföD/BSB)

The virtual exhibition "Monk, rebel, librarian" has been awarded the TIP Award 2022. Realised as a practice-oriented team project of students of the University of Public Service (HfÖD) and the Bavarian Library Academy in the year 2021, the exhibition reconstructs the live and work of the library pioneer Martin Schrettinger.

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Analogue and digital: Indexing work with the manuscript portal | © University Library of Leipzig

Since 2019, the State Libraries of Berlin and Munich, the University Library of Leipzig and the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel have been working on setting up the Germany-wide web portal, which pools information on manuscripts from the Middle Ages and from modern times forming part of German collections, in a project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The DFG has now approved further funding in the amount of almost five million Euros for a three-year continuation of this innovative endeavour, which is custom-fitted to the demands of researchers and collectors.

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Bartolomeo Zamberti, Comedia quam lepidissima Dolotechne (1502), sheet 1r | © BSB/Clm 13078

Venice turns 1600 years old on 25 March 2021. The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek congratulates very cordially and offers some delicious “appetizers” from its collection of Venetian manuscripts and incunabula, which, besides the Berlin one, is Germany’s largest collection of this kind.

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Prayer book of Maximilian I with drawings by Albrecht Dürer. 1513 | © BSB/2 L.impr.membr. 64

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) preserves an extensive collection of most valuable manuscripts and printed works. A selection of 400 important works, which form part of the unique written cultural heritage of Bavaria, has now been made available online at the cultural portal bavarikon. The access to the cultural treasures has been designed to be particularly user-friendly for laypersons, giving an insight into the collection without requiring any prior knowledge. A large part of the manuscripts and printed books in addition has extensive descriptions in German and in English.

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Passion tract, Nuremberg 1521. Sheet 189r: Descent of Christ to the underworld with Dürer monogram on the top right. Text: Heinrich von St. Gallen. Miniatures/ illumination: Nikolaus Glockendon | © BSB/ Cgm 9600

The manuscript collection of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek records the addition of precious items: A total of three high-ranking German-language manuscripts of Bavarian origin could be acquired at the same time for the library from the antiquarian book trade. After conservatory treatment by the library’s own Institute of Conservation and Restoration and cataloguing, they are now being digitized and will be made available for academic research subsequently.

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