Photo archive of Peter Strauß

Short biography and photo archive

Peter Strauß (1936 – 2022) | © BSB/Image Archive
Peter Strauß (1936 – 2022) | © BSB/Image Archive

The Munich municipal employee and hobby photographer Peter Strauß (1936 – 2022) took photographs of persons of contemporary history with a focus on music.


Strauß took photographs of musicians, but also other persons engaged in the cultural sector, functionaries and politicians at public events in Munich and at personal meetings. He maintained a lifelong friendship with the singer Sari Barabas and the composer Harald Genzmer. A multitude of photographs bears witness to this. Reconstructing the personal history of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Peter Strauß visited the places of birth, abode and death of the family and took photographs of houses and graves. In addition, the archive includes photo postcards of partly already deceased, partly still active artists, frequently with autographs.


The archive comprises approximately 11,000 images. The collection came to the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek as of 2008/2009 as a donation by the photographer.


The cataloguing and digitization are still in their early stages.


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