The collection group of Lithographa belongs to the special collection groups of historical printed works of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. It includes around 360 stone prints, thus lithographically duplicated prints, from the so-called "incunabula period" of lithography from 1796 to 1821, as well as illustrated lithographic prints and colour-plate works up to the year 1846, 50 years after Alois Senefelder (1771 – 1834) had invented this printing method. Among them are numerous unique prints and very early facsimile prints, such as the first facsimile of the "Türkenkalender" printed in 1454, of which the library holds a unique copy (Rar. 1) or the first facsimile of the prayer book of Maximilian I (2 L.impr.membr. 64) with the hand drawings by Albrecht Dürer. With respect to content, the collection encompasses all areas of knowledge and subjects.
The collection does not contain prints with lithographically duplicated text without images. A further approximately 50 music prints were separated and incorporated in the collection of printed sheet music (Musica practica; They are managed by the Department of Music.
The foundation of this collection group started around 1905 is constituted by the collection of the Munich private scholar Franz Maria Ferchl (1792 – 1862), who was a friend of Senefelder and his family throughout his life. The collection was acquired by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences around 1857 and given to the royal court and state library. Ferchl himself had published an overview of his collection in 1856 (Bavar. 4339 d).
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Roth, Marco: Inkunabeln der Lithographie: Bestandsgeschichte und Tiefenerschließung für die Sammlung Lithographica an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek: diploma thesis. München, 2010.
Wegner, Wolfgang: "Les Oeuvres Lithographiques" und ihre Entstehungsgeschichte: ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Inkunabelzeit der Münchner Lithographie. In: Oberbayerisches Archiv 87 (1965), p. 139-192.
Ferchl, Franz Maria: Uebersicht der einzig bestehenden, vollständigen Incunabeln-Sammlung der Lithographie und der übrigen Senefelder'schen Erfindungen als Metallographie, Papyrographie, Papierstereotypen und Oelgemälde-Druck: mit einem Vorwort begleitet zur Sechzigjährigen Gedächtnis - Feier der Münchener - Erfindung der Lithographie von Franz Maria Ferchl: mit vielen Abbildungen der seltensten lithographischen Incunabeln. München: C. Wolf & Sohn, 1856. (Signatur: Bavar. 4339 d)