Library catalogue with media of all types belonging to the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (books, periodicals, newspapers, maps, sheet music, manuscripts or electronic media such as e-books, e-journals or databases | Articles and more, predominantly containing articles from e-journals and databases
Library catalogue with media of all types belonging to the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (books, periodicals, newspapers, maps, sheet music, manuscripts or electronic media such as e-books, e-journals or databases | Articles and more, predominantly containing articles from e-journals and databases
Library catalogue with media of all types belonging to the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (books, periodicals, newspapers, maps, sheet music, manuscripts or electronic media such as e-books, e-journals or databases | Articles and more, predominantly containing articles from e-journals and databases
Library catalogue with media of all types belonging to the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (books, periodicals, newspapers, maps, sheet music, manuscripts or electronic media such as e-books, e-journals or databases | Articles and more, predominantly containing articles from e-journals and databases
Library catalogue with media of all types belonging to the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (books, periodicals, newspapers, maps, sheet music, manuscripts or electronic media such as e-books, e-journals or databases | Articles and more, predominantly containing articles from e-journals and databases
Library catalogue with media of all types belonging to the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (books, periodicals, newspapers, maps, sheet music, manuscripts or electronic media such as e-books, e-journals or databases | Articles and more, predominantly containing articles from e-journals and databases
Library catalogue with media of all types belonging to the collections of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (books, periodicals, newspapers, maps, sheet music, manuscripts or electronic media such as e-books, e-journals or databases | Articles and more, predominantly containing articles from e-journals and databases
Database Information System (DBIS) with around 3,400 databases on all areas of specialisation (for articles, biographies, statistics, images, maps, newspapers, encyclopaedias, etc.): Please determine which database is relevant for your topic/ your search. Out of the total offer, 2,750 databases are freely accessible and 650 are accessible with the BSB identification code.
Proceeding from the overview of e-book platforms in the Database Information System (DBIS), you can select the matching database, e.g. ProQuest Ebook Central or SpringerLink, and then search for e-books in this database. A total of around 1.2 million licensed e-books are available. The BSB identification code is required.
Book search engine listing several million media in catalogues worldwide. Read more...
Library and union catalogues and articles databases can be queried at the same time. The data are from the "B3Kat" (joint union catalogue of Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg), the licensed Primo-Central-Index, the "Bayerische Bibliographie", the "VD 16" and "VD 17" catalogues. Search tips
The most comprehensive catalogue for electronic journals with around 104,000 titles from all fields of specialisation: 69,000 specialist journals are freely accessible in full text versions, 28,000 titles are accessible with the BSB identification code. The EZB does not permit searching for articles. Read more...
National reference tool for personal papers, autographs and archives of publishing houses with individual entries from almost 450 institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany and from further registers of collections and personal estates. Read more...
References for secondary literature on manuscripts (90% of entries), personal papers, autographs, rare and valuable printed books (no music materials). Read more...
Catalogue of the manuscripts of the collection group "Codices iconographici" – illuminated manuscripts of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek from the 15th to the 20th century – with the extended field of architectural manuscripts ArchIcon (under construction). Read more...
World maps and street plans of cities all around the world, topographic and topical maps, atlases, panoramas, bird's eye view maps, facsimiles and electronic resources, etc. – 265,000 publications with around 273,000 holdings records of the participating libraries. Read more...
85,000 documents released by the US governmental authorities on the American interior and foreign politics in the wake of the Second World War (minutes of cabinet meetings, statements by the National Security Council, investigations by the CIA, etc.). BSB identification code required. Read more...
Integrum World Wide is the largest full-text database of Russia and the CIS with currently over 360 million documents. BSB identification code required. Read more...
Meta search in various catalogues, bibliographic and full-text databases on Eastern-Europe research. The articles database ARTOS from the field of Eastern-Europe research, Internet resources in "OstNet" and the specialised repository "OstDok" for studies of Eastern Europe are searched simultaneously.
Meta search in various catalogues, bibliographic and full-text databases on Eastern-Europe research. The articles database ARTOS from the field of Eastern-Europe research, Internet resources in "OstNet" and the specialised repository "OstDok" for studies of Eastern Europe are searched simultaneously.
Journals from and about Eastern-Central and South-Eastern Europe, with a focus on humanities and social science, predominantly scholarly, but also cultural journals and political journals. (40 percent of the e-journals are from Romania and Poland.).
BSB identification code required (alternatively identification code for national licenses).
Archive of the Russian-language daily newspaper "Pravda" from the start of publication in 1912 to 1913 and from 1917 to the end of 2009. BSB identification code required. Read more...
Archive of the daily newspaper "Izvestia" published nationwide in Russia for the years of publication 1917 to 2001. BSB identification code required. Read more...
Archive of the "Literaturnaya Gazeta" from 1929 to 2011 – one of the oldest Russian newspapers focusing on topics relating to literature studies. BSB identification code required. Read more...
Articles and full-text database on the fields of art and humanities/ social science, covering 37 important subject areas and several languages and comprising contents from over two centuries (1800 – 2000). BSB identification code required. Read more...
Interdisciplinary database containing entries on articles from around 1,500 journals on humanities and art. CD-ROM version for the period from 1975 to 1998. BSB identification code required. Read more...
Interdisciplinary, specialised database on Slavic studies and studies of the Baltic States: Contains records of journal articles, monographs, etc. on Eastern Europe and the former USSR published in the USA and Canada. BSB identification code required. Read more...
Database with full-text access to archive materials on the Cold War. The database contains 2,360 documents from US government sources on spying activities of the USA with respect to the USSR during the period of the "Cold War" between 1945 and 1991. BSB identification code required. Read more...
Full-text archive with digitized archive materials about Stalin's rule and biography, i.a. the around 28,000 documents collected in the "Fund 558" of the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI) in Moscow. BSB identification code required. Read more...
Database with digital copies (but no searchable full-text versions) of archive materials on the history of the Soviet flagship recreation camp Artek on the Crimean. The collection thus offers i.a. valuable insight into the Soviet social and educational history. BSB identification code required. Read more...
100(0) key documents on the history of Russia and the Soviet Union (1917 – 1991), in particular on Russian-Soviet foreign and domestic policies and social and cultural history, each with a brief introduction and indications of further literature. Read more...
The most comprehensive collection of substantial primary documents on the foreign and military policies of the USA since 1945. The database consisting of 20 individual collections contains over 50,000 of the most important documents released for public access. BSB identification code required. Read more...
Database with main focus on the history of the displaced persons (DP) in Europe. For this purpose, around 3,000 documents have been compiled, which are accessible in the form of image files and via full-text search. BSB identification code required. Read more...
Database with around 4,000 digitized documents of the US secret services concerning the countries of Europe, including the countries of Eastern Europe, Turkey and Cyprus, from the years 1945 to 1995. BSB identification code required. Read more...
Reports prepared for various Soviet and Ukrainian governmental authorities, such as the KGB, documenting the most important developments after the disaster, as well as internal reports and examinations on the various causes. BSB identification code required. Read more...
New Books and More on Eastern Europe
Always keeping up: Update of service for recent acquisitions
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Diacritical marks and non-Latin scripts
Diacritical marks
When searching for terms in the OPACplus/ BSB catalogue that contain diacritical marks, these marks can be input. However, it is easier to search using the basic character without the diacritical mark. The search result will be the same in both cases.
- baño or bano
- chrétien or chretien
- Vēlēšanas Latvijā or Velesanas Latvija
- Wrocław or Wroclaw
Cyrillic script
In German library catalogues, which is thus applicable to the catalogues of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek as well, Cyrillic titles are entered in the German scholarly transliteration, which is determined by the standard DIN 1460. You will find an overview on the transliteration of the individual languages, including Unicode, below.
Information on Unicode
- Belorussian (PDF, 103 KB)
- Bulgarian (PDF, 105 KB)
- Church Slavonic (PDF, 188 KB)
- Macedonian (PDF, 103 KB)
- Rusyn (PDF, 106 KB)
- Russian (PDF, 106 KB)
- Serbian and Montenegrin (PDF, 103 KB)
- Ukrainian (PDF, 103 KB)
There are various transliteration standards for Cyrillic characters on an international level, which are relevant for searching foreign library catalogues and databases. Bibliographic references may follow these transliteration standards as well. An overview of the most important scholarly transliterations of the Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Bulgarian, Serbian and Macedonian languages can be found in the following:
- Overview of transliterations (PDF, 683 KB)
Original scripts
In the case of titles in non-Latin scripts, the original-script title has frequently been entered in addition for a few years now. Therefore, it is also possible to search the OPACplus/ BSB catalogue using the original script. However, please keep in mind that the original-script title has been included only in a small part of our catalogue entries so far. It is not possible to find the other titles by searching in this manner.
Original scripts in tables of contents, registers or additional information
Scanned tables of contents, registers or abstracts from the books are frequently added to our catalogue data today. These data can be searched as well via the search box "Alles" ("All fields") or "Inhaltsverzeichnisse" ("Tables of contents") in the OPACplus/ BSB catalogue. It is required to use the original script of the book for this type of search. Diacritical marks can be omitted, in contrast.