Current activities


Journal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Slovenia "Delo", number 2 of May 1942 | © BSB

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek acquires an extensive collection of partisan prints, predominantly from the region of today's Slovenia. The library thus complements its holdings by adding first-class sources on the South-East European and German history during the Second World War.

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Deacidification treatment of the reference library on Eastern Europe | © BSB/ S. Liebich

A large part of the reference library on Eastern Europe (Hbost) is currently being deacidificated and will consequently be unavailable for a period of presumably two months.

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Biographical Portal, logo

The European Biographical Portal enables access to more than 160,000 scholarly biographies of persons from all social backgrounds and covers most of the periods from German, Austrian, Swiss, Slovenian, and South-East European history.

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© vege –

Since the beginning of July 2017, users can suggest book acquisitions for the areas of collection emphasis of classical studies, historical studies, musicology and Russian, east and south-east European studies. We appreciate receiving your requests and indications regarding gaps in our collections, web contents of scholarly relevance and research trends and will check whether we can incorporate them in our spectrum of media and services.

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Two pages of the supplement of the Novoe vremja on 27 February = 9 March 2017. Novoe vremja, Petrograd, of 25 March = 17 April 1917, p. 73-74 | © BSB

On the occasion of the anniversary of the Russian revolutions of 1917, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is producing a continuously growing digital newspaper compilation about the revolutionary events, from the "February Revolution" to the "October Revolution".

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The newsletter of the Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies enables you to stay up to date in the field of East-European studies. It contains information about interesting digital or printed source and material collections, newly licensed databases and research tools, freshly published research data, "thematic dossiers" as a "first point of access" to selected areas of content, courses, events and other relevant dates, the further development of services of the "Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies" and much more.

For further information and registration for the newsletter please go to the research portal osmikon. The earlier issues of the Eastern Europe newsletter continue to be available in the archive.

All numbers of the current newsletter of the Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies  (in German)

Archive of the former Eastern Europe newsletter of the Department of Eastern Europe  (in German)


Since May 2020, the Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies has been posting news about their services on Twitter – in particular about books, newly licensed databases, odd finds, new services, etc. – and about everything worth knowing from the field of the relevant international book and information sciences. Follow us!

Cabinet presentations in the series "kOSTproben"

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