Portals and apps

bavarikon is the internet portal of the Free State of Bavaria for presenting treasures of art, culture and knowledge from Bavarian institutions. Contributions are made by archives, libraries and museums, as well as institutions of the Bavarian administration, the preservation of historical monuments and scholarship. bavarikon offers worldwide, free-of-charge access to a broad spectrum of cultural goods, such as deeds and archive materials, manuscripts, archaeological finds, paintings, graphic works and photographs, street maps and topographic maps, sculptures, payment means, castles and palaces, as well as popular culture and much more. A number of select exhibits are available in the form of 3D models.
► bavarikon – Culture and gems of knowledge of Bavaria
bavarikon offers:
- Several hundred thousand cultural objects
- 3D models of museum exhibits; these models can be zoomed and rotated as desired in all directions, have individually adaptable illumination, etc.
- A location database with 90,000 Bavarian locations, communities, administrative districts, forests, waters and mountains
- Over 14,000 short biographies of important persons
- The great works of historical Bavarian cartography
- Virtual exhibitions
- Collections on highly diverse holdings from archives, libraries and museums
The contents in bavarikon are continuously expanded in cooperation with numerous partner institutions.
Pillar of the digitization strategy
bavarikon is an initiative of the State Ministry of Science and the Arts together with the State Ministry of Digital Affairs. The portal is one of the pillars of the digitization strategy of the Bavarian State Government. The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek manages the day-to-day technical, editorial and organisational operation of bavarikon.
The bavarikon council, currently composed of 14 members with voting rights, provides advice to the management level from both ministries for their fundamental decisions with regard to the technical operation and the digitization strategy of bavarikon. Within the management level's guidelines, the bavarikon council takes decisions about the requests for the funding of digitization projects.
bavarikon and the predecessor project: Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online (BLO)
bavarikon was set up in 2012 as a further development of the Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online (Bavarian Regional Library Online) and has been online since 2013. From 2002 to 2013, the Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online (BLO) was the central cultural-scientific information portal for Bavaria and one of the first regional portals in Germany.
It was the starting point and the core of the portal "bavarikon", which was launched in 2013.
The Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online will be integrated in bavarikon in the medium term. The BLO contents will be transferred to bavarikon successively. Corresponding redirection links can be found on all project pages of the BLO which have already been migrated to bavarikon. All other contents will continue to be available up to the conclusion of the BLO’s migration.
Ceynowa, Klaus; Kellner, Stephan: Das bayerische Kulturportal bavarikon – digital, vernetzt, spartenübergreifend. In: Euler, Ellen; Hagedorn-Saupe, Monika; Maier, Gerald; Schweibenz, Werner (ed.): Handbuch Kulturportale: Online-Angebote aus Kultur und Wissenschaft. Berlin; Boston, 2015. p. 292-300.
Ceynowa, Klaus; Kellner, Stephan: Das neue Portal "bavarikon": Schaufenster der Kultur- und Wissensschätze Bayerns. In: Tourismus Management Passport. Special edition 2015. Tourismus and the City. p. 38-40.
Sepp, Florian: Das bayerische Kulturportal bavarikon – von der Beta-Version zum Regelbetrieb. In: Bibliotheks-Magazin (2015) 3, p. 42-45.
Ceynowa, Klaus; Sepp, Florian: Das Landesportal BAVARIKON in kulturpolitischer Perspektive. In: Bibliotheksmagazin (2016) 2, p. 13-16.
App: Bavaria in historical maps

Since 2013, the app has invited users to come on a fascinating discovery trip of historical Bavaria on the basis of six geographically referenced maps. The maps are from the most important map collection of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich. 257 map sheets from the 16th to the 19th century were digitized and geo-referenced in their entirety for the app. The cartographic maps of Apian (Landtafeln, 1568) or the "Topographischer Atlas vom Königreiche Baiern" (Topographic atlas of the Kingdom of Bavaria, 1812 – 1867) can be viewed in all details and explored interactively.
The app offers:
- A time line for navigation through the centuries
- Over 2,500 points of interest with detailed information about locations, castles, monasteries and residences in the vicinity of the user's current position
- 800 digitized historical views of locations by Michael Wening, Matthäus Merian und Hartmann Schedel in high-resolution quality
- Focus on Nuremberg with a broad variety of information in multiple media formats
The app was developed in cooperation with the Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte (Center of Bavarian History), the Bavarian Department of state-owned Palaces, Gardens and Lakes and the Bavarian State Agency for Digitization, Broadband and Land Surveying.
The app is available free of charge at the iTunes Store and the Google Play Store.
App: bavarikon3D

Cultural highlights of Bavaria "at your fingertip": With the app bavarikon 3D, Bavarian cultural institutions present outstanding objects of art and culture from their collections in the form of 3D digital copies. Sculptures, furniture, coins, historical globes and medieval manuscripts, among other things, can be turned back and forth, rotated and moved in any desired direction on the touch screen of iPad and iPhone. This even makes it possible to view details of objects which would be invisible in a conventional presentation. The high-resolution digitization permits zooming in for an exact view of even the smallest details. The user is also provided with descriptions of the objects and information about the artists.
The app is continuously expanded by new digital objects and already presents more than 90 3D objects.
bavarikon3D is a service provided within the framework of the digital cultural portal bavarikon. bavarikon is the portal for the art, culture and regional studies of the Free State of Bavaria. The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is responsible for the technical development, operation and editorial management of bavarikon3D.
The app is available free of charge at the iTunes Store.

The Historisches Lexikon Bayerns (Historical Encyclopaedia of Bavaria) is an encyclopaedia on Bavarian history published exclusively online. It offers up-to-date research information to everybody interested in the history of Bavaria.
► Historisches Lexikon Bayerns
Bavarian history from the beginnings to the present
The encyclopaedia has been developed since 2006 as a central scholarly reference work on all questions of Bavarian history from the beginnings to the present. The available resources are continuously expanded. Experts write the articles of the encyclopaedia on the basis of up-to-date research results. An academic board of advisers ensures the quality of the articles in cooperation with the editorial office and the authors. The encyclopaedia is a service for specialists in the field and the general public alike.
The Historical Encyclopaedia of Bavaria provides:
- Encyclopaedia articles on the regional history of Bavaria, Franconia, Swabia and Palatinate
- Important source documents and partly images accessible for the first time
- Bavarian history from prehistoric times to the present
- A scalable map on which all Bavarian locations can be selected which are mentioned in encyclopaedia article
Cooperative project
The encyclopaedia is a cooperative project of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, the Committee for Bavarian Regional History at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the Conference of Regional Historians at the Bavarian universities.
Bader, Matthias: 10 Jahre Historisches Lexikon Bayerns, 10 Jahre wissenschaftlich fundierte Landesgeschichte im Internet, auch zur Pfalz. In: Die Pfalz 67 (2016) 2, p. 16.
Bader, Matthias; Rittenauer, Daniel; Zech-Kleber, Bernhard von: 10 Jahre Historisches Lexikon Bayerns, 10 Jahre wissenschaftlich fundierte Landesgeschichte im Internet. In: Frankenland: Zeitschrift für fränkische Geschichte, Kunst und Kultur 2 (2016), p. 135-138.
Bader, Matthias: Das Historische Lexikon Bayerns. In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern [Neue Folge] 7 (2013) 1, p. 15.
Sepp, Florian: Das Spätmittelalter im World Wide Web: 800 Artikel im Historischen Lexikon Bayerns behandeln die spätmittelalterliche Geschichte Altbayerns, Frankens, Schwabens und der Pfalz. In: Akademie aktuell (2010) 2, p. 26-27.
Haslauer, Johannes: Das Historische Lexikon Bayerns: wissenschaftlich fundierte Informationen zur bayerischen Landesgeschichte im Internet. In: Amperland 46 (2010) 4, p. 125-127.
Sepp, Florian: Das „Historische Lexikon Bayerns“: ein Internet-Lexikon auch zur fränkischen Geschichte. In: Frankenland [Neue Folge] 59 (2007) 3, p. 214-217.
Latzin, Ellen: Das Historische Lexikon Bayerns: bayerische Geschichte im Internet. In: Zeitschrift für bayerische Landesgeschichte 69,3 (2006), p. 810-1183.

Consisting of nine modules, the Literature Portal Bavaria offers a colourful overview of Bavaria's literary landscape. The placement into context and interconnection of authors, publications and institutions offers an appropriate platform to the literary life in the cities and regions. The portal conveys in-depth knowledge to all experts and laypersons, at the same time fanning out current aspects, trends, perspectives of literary culture in Bavaria.
The Literature Portal Bavaria offers:
- Autorinnen & Autoren (authors): over 1,400 portraits of Bavarian writers
- Zeitschriften (journals): encyclopaedia of literary journals from the historical "Simplicissimus" to the current "Literatur in Bayern"
- Nachlässe (personal papers): search module including over 1,600 sets of personal papers
- Literaturland (land of literature): literary strolls, memorial sites, portraits of towns and cities
- Themen (topics): poetry slam, summer retreat, amazons, villains and more
- Journal (journal): company talk, interviews and exclusive contributions by authors
- Institutionen (institutions): comprehensive register of literary institutions
- Preise & Förderungen (awards & sponsorships): regional deadlines for submission and further information for writers
- Kalender & Festivals (calendar & festivals): current events throughout Bavaria
Player in the literary scene
Moreover, the Literature Portal Bavaria enters the literary scene as an independent player:: Events, publications, an audio channel and interactive services in the portal and in social media are leading to an amalgamation of the virtual and the real world of literature.
Cooperative project
The Literature Portal Bavaria is a project of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in cooperation with the Monacensia in the Hildebrandhaus, Literature Archive and Library, an institute of the Munich City Library, funded and guided by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts, supported by the Bavarian capital of Munich.
Literature Portal on Facebook
Literature Portal on Twitter
Literature Portal on Instagram
Czoik, Peter; Reiter, Evelyn: Literaturportal Bayern – das Blaue vom Himmel: ein Kooperationsprojekt der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek mit der Monacensia. In: Jahrbuch der Freunde der Monacensia e. V. (2014), p. 43-58.
Schley, Fridolin (ed.): Fremd: Anthologie mit Texten von 18 AutorInnen: ein Reader zum Fremden in uns und unserer Gesellschaft in Kooperation mit dem literaturportal-bayern.de. München, 2015.
Kellner, Stephan: Das Blaue vom Himmel: Bayern hat ein Literaturportal. In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern [Neue Folge] 7 (2013) 1, p. 10-11.
Czoik, Peter: Schlaglichter auf „das Blaue vom Himmel“: das Literaturportal Bayern stellt sich vor. In: Bayern im Buch: Literatur aus Altbayern, Schwaben und Franken (2012) 2, p. 3-4.
Kellner, Stephan: Das Blaue vom Himmel: Bayern hat ein Literaturportal. In: Bibliotheksmagazin (2012) 3, p. 44-47.
Engleitner, Carl Hans: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: regional und international: Literaturportal Bayern: spektakulärer Fund zur Bibelüberlieferung: Finissage in Peking. In: Bayernspiegel (2012) 3, p. 34-35.
Stalla, Bernhard: Das Literaturportal der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München ist ein neues Netzwerk für die Literatur und Kultur in Bayern. In: Weiß-blaue Rundschau 55 (2012) 4, p. 16.

With over 839,000 titles (June 2022) and an annual increase by over 16,000 titles, the Bayerische Bibliographie (Bavarian Bibliography) is the most important search tool for literature about Bavaria.
It includes books, brochures and journals in German and other languages (starting with the year of publication 1501) and a great amount of articles from journals, yearbooks, omnibus works and the local inserts of Bavarian daily newspapers (predominantly as of the year of publication 1988). In addition, there is a selection of electronic media (e-books, official publications, web archives).
Cooperative project
The Bavarian Bibliography is a cooperation project of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and eleven other Bavarian libraries.
Using the input box or the advanced search, it is possible to search for title (keyword), author/editor, topic (subject heading), publishing house, place of publication and year of publication.
The system structure offers an overview of all subject areas and leads from the system locations directly to the associated title records.
The hit lists can be further narrowed down in all types of search.
The origins of the Bavarian Bibliography date back to the year 1927, the foundation year of the Committee for Bavarian Regional History (Kommission für Bayerische Landesgeschichte) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. The bibliography was published in print up to the report year 1987 and has been continued online since 1988. The printed volumes are available in the form of digital copies.
Bayerische Bibliographie 1927 – 1958
Bayerische Bibliographie 1959 – 1987