
Courses and webinars – A tour of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | © BSB/M. McKee

The dates for the first seven months of 2025 are available online now. The rich and varied course programme has been complimented by several new courses in English, which are directed to our international users, as well as the webinar "Mission possible" on searching databases and research materials relating to studies of eastern Europe. All dates can be found in our course schedule.

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Bronze jug, 1st century AD | © Art Collections & Museums Augsburg, Roman Museum

The civil settlement Augusta Vindelicum was the prospering capital of the Roman province Rhaetia and an important trade centre as of the first century AD. The new virtual exhibition in bavarikon gives visitors an insight into the life of the people at the time.

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bavarikon4U, logo

bavarikon, Bavaria's digital treasure trove, wants to establish a particularly low-threshold access to history and culture with a new editorial service: An extra website,, was set up for this purpose, where brief, entertaining contents are offered in easily understandable form. The objective is to facilitate access to the world of art and culture particularly for a younger public.

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Image-based similarity search on AI basis, segment recognition object gold coins | © BSB

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek has just activated an image-based similarity search for bavarikon, Bavaria's digital treasure vault. The development from the library's own Munich Digitization Center (MDZ) searches through over three million image segments in the portal from photos, graphics, paintings and illustrations recognized through machine learning. Everybody interested in culture can search for motifs quickly and efficiently now, or can enjoy drifting from one image to another.

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Coin treasure with gold and silver coins in the receptacle, around 1st century BC | CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

The cultural portal bavarikon presents its new appearance on time for its tenth anniversary. Bavaria's digital treasure vault has revised its website and, at, offers an optically and functionally improved access to the world of art, culture and gems of knowledge from Bavarian museums, archives and libraries.

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