The classification-mark group "Bavarica"

The classification-mark group "Bavarica" contains literature connected to Bavaria of the publication years up to 1935 and from 1949 to 1998. The holdings can be searched in BSB DISCOVER!.
Introduction of the classification-mark group of "Bavarica"
In 1814, the former Benedictine and librarian Martin Schrettinger introduced a new classification system in order to cope with the increase in holdings caused by the secularisation. It consisted of 12 main divisions (encyclopaedia, philology, history, mathematics, physics, anthropology, philosophy, aesthetics, politics, law, medicine, theology), which were subdivided into 180 collection groups.
Since 1814, all books as of the year of publication 1501 were classified into the "Bavarica" group which related to Bavaria within its respectively applicable boundaries.
However, not all publications related to Bavaria were classified as "Bavarica" comprehensively:
Publications on the history and theory of music and maps, globes, atlases and cartographic literature are not included. Publications on art and art history related to Bavaria were introduced into the "Bavarica" collection group only as of 1935. Conversely, works of fiction can be found in the Bavar. classification group only up to the year 1913.
Newspapers published in Bavaria form part of the collection group "Ephemerides politicae" (Eph.pol.).
Books which were censored or to which access was restricted for legal reasons were classified as Remota. Remota V includes printed works which were not intended for unrestricted use by the public from the start, among other things the "Landes-Kriminalblatt Bayern", wanted persons books of the police, stage manuscripts or broadcast manuscripts of the Bayerischer Rundfunk broadcasting station.
The numerus currens principle
When the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek started classifying new acquisitions in accordance with their date of acquisition independently of their content (so-called numerus currens principle) in 1936, the classification-mark group "Bavarica" was no longer used either.
After a reactivation of the collection group from 1949 to 1998, the numerus currens principle finally prevailed. New acquisitions of Bavarica are catalogued today on the basis of their year of acquisition, so-called annual rings.