Bavarica in newspapers and journals


The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek holds a comprehensive collection of Bavarian newspapers and journals. The collecting activities go back to the mid-17th century. Thanks to the law on mandatory deposits, the Bavarian newspapers and journals are present almost in their entirety for the time after 1945 in particular.

Important Bavarian journals such as "Zeitschrift für Bayerische Landesgeschichte" (ZBLG; journal for Bavarian regional history) or the "Jahrbuch für fränkische Landesforschung" (Yearbook for regional studies of Franconia), as well as almost the complete copyright-free holdings of historical newspapers and journals are available in digitized form, among them for example the Bavarian newspapers on the revolution of 1848 up to 1950. Currently, the newspaper portal digiPress is being set up for the presentation of digitized historical newspapers.

Further links and search tools

Newspaper collection

Digitized newspapers  (in digiPress)

Bavarian revolution newspapers  (in digiPress)

Newspaper portal digiPress

Electronic Journals Library – Pre-selection Bavaria

Examples from the collection

The anti-revolution Deutsches Wochenblatt für constitutionelle Monarchie (German weekly for constitutional monarchy) was published in Augsburg from 1849 to 1851.

The Bayerisches Brauer-Journal (Bavarian brewers' journal) was published from 1891 to 1919. Its editors were the Versuchsstation für Bierbrauerei (research center for beer brewing) in Nuremberg and, as of 1904, the Bayerisches Gewerbemuseum (Bavarian trade museum) in Nuremberg.

The Münchener Ratsch-Kathl (Munich gossip) was published from 1889 to 1921.
