
The codex of penitential psalms of Albrecht V – Conference and concert

The most magnificent music manuscript of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, the large Renaissance choir book with penitential psalms by Orlando di Lasso ( A) is the object of a conference at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. On the occasion of the conference, also a concert will take place in the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Munich, on 23 February 2017, 19:30.

Superb codex of the penitential psalms of Orlando di Lasso | © BSB/ A I(1

Superb codex of the penitential psalms of Orlando di Lasso | © BSB/ A I(1

An international and interdisciplinary group of researchers under the lead of the art historian Andrea Gottdang (University of Salzburg) and the Lasso researcher Bernhold Schmid (Bavarian Academy of Sciences) examines the codex as an overall work of art, in particular the so far unpublished monumental series of images created by Hans Mielich on behalf of Duke Albrecht V in the so-called "codex of penitential psalms".

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is restoring and digitizing this manuscript in a three-year project with the generous support of the Ernst von Siemens Art Foundation.

Information about the conference
Information about the concert

