With the introduction of the line of funding "Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft" (specialised information services for scholarship and science), the German Research Foundation has given new impulses for supplying research with specialist publications and data-based services.
The event will first introduce the planning and preparations for the specialised information services "historical studies" and "Russian, East and Southeast European studies". The services on offer run the gamut from demand-oriented literature acquisition and cataloguing to high-performance research tools and up to digitization services and services for securing and making available research data.
Subsequently, the researcher's demands on the currently planned services will be discussed. The potential of the specialised information services in support of digital humanities projects will be examined, too. A concluding panel discussion offers an opportunity for an exchange about current and future perspectives for specialised information services in the field of historical studies.
Programme and further information
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Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Friedrich-von-Gärtner-Saal, 1st floor
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