
New catalogue volume published on the Latin and medieval manuscripts of the Benedictine abbey St. Emmeram in Regensburg

The fifth catalogue volume on the Latin and medieval manuscripts of the Benedictine abbey St. Emmeram in Regensburg contains detailed codicological and contentual descriptions of 142 manuscripts of the 8th to the 16th century, a temporal focus of the preserved works being on the 15th century.

Augustinus manuscript in Anglo-Saxon minuscule script of the 8th century (detail) | © BSB/ Clm 14653, sheet 29v

Augustinus manuscript in Anglo-Saxon minuscule script of the 8th century (detail) | © BSB/ Clm 14653, sheet 29v

With respect to topics, the volumes encompass the complete spectrum of knowledge of an important, universally oriented medieval monastery library. As one outstanding example from the field of historiography, the "Fundationes monasteriorum Bavariae" should be mentioned, a central testament to Bavarian monastic historiography, which was compiled around 1388 probably in the abbey itself (Clm 14594). Concerning a number of earlier codices, it can be evidenced or is presumed that they come from the area of France or northern Italy. During the late middle ages, in contrast, the cultural interest of the St. Emmeram monks shifted more strongly towards the universities of Leipzig, Vienna and Ingolstadt.

Grown in the course of over one millennium, the library of the former Benedictine abbey of St. Emmeram in Regensburg with its 943 Latin codices constitutes a core collection group among the manuscript holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. The scholarly in-depth cataloguing of this collection group has taken place since 1988, supported by funds of the German Research Foundation.

Die Handschriften aus St. Emmeram in Regensburg:
Codices latinos 14541 – 14690 Bibliothecae Monasterii St. Emmerami Ratisbonensis continens / 5:
Die Handschriften aus St. Emmeram in Regensburg; Volume 5, Clm 14541 – 14690.
Newly described by Friedrich Helmer and Julia Knödler in collaboration with Hardo Hilg and Elisabeth Wunderle.
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2019.
Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Monacensis. Tomus IV, series nova, pars 2,5.
