The library uses the funds for setting up custom-made information services for individual scholarly disciplines: The Specialised Information Services make available the most up to date, research-relevant resources – around 50,000 new printed books, around 10,000 current journals and a steadily growing spectrum of electronic publications every year. In addition, they develop digital services for the academic peak demand, among them subject-specific research portals. The primary goal is to provide scholars in Germany with fast and direct access to specialist literature and research-relevant information free of charge and independently of location.
Minister of Science and the Arts Bernd Sibler emphasises:
The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is one of the most important European general libraries and ranks among the best research libraries on an international scale. I am very proud about the renewed grant of funding by the German Research Foundation, which confirms the great importance of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek for academic research. The funding enables us to further expand the extensive Specialised Information Services in the customary highest possible quality.
The following three Specialised Information Services are supported by the DFG:
Specialised Information Service for Historical Studies
Run together with the Deutsches Museum, the FID offers a broad spectrum of services for historians at the website During the new funding phase, the focus will be on the expansion of the existing services (i.a. historicumSEARCH, recensio.regio, Deutsche Historische Bibliografie), the further establishment of the Specialised Information Service as an interface between libraries and scholarship and stepping up public relations work.
Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies
The FID is oriented towards the fields of humanities and social sciences. It offers a comprehensive spectrum of services in a field which is currently re-entering the focus of public attention: The portfolio ranges from print and e-media, which are available commercially or in open access, to digitally published ego documents and special thematic dossiers, up to supporting research data management. From 2022 to 2024, the services will be consolidated and complemented by exploratory projects, such as the use of artificial intelligence in digital text recognition and content capture.
Specialised Information Service for Classical Studies – Propylaeum
With the information and publication portal, which is run in cooperation with the University Library of Heidelberg, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek offers services for a broad spectrum of disciplines of classical studies. The integration of the Gnomon database, which is important particularly for the work of ancient historians and classical philologists, will be consolidated and further developed during the third funding phase. In addition, the search tool PropylaeumSEARCH, which links up isolated data sources, will be further expanded and improved by connecting it to the geographical references and the world thesaurus of the German Archaeological Institute.
Klaus Ceynowa, Director General of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek:
The renewed generous funding by the German Research Foundation is a great honour to us. It puts us in a position to continue our work at the highest quality and to further develop relevant services for Germany as an academic location – reliably and in the long term.
Press release for download (PDF, 161 KB)
FID contact persons:
Dr. Monika Moravetz-Kuhlmann (FID Classical Studies)
Phone +49 89 28638-2301
Gregor Horstkemper (FID Historical Studies)
Phone +49 89 28638-2604
Dr. Gudrun Wirtz (FID East, Central and Southeast European Studies)
Phone +49 89 28638-2992
Contact person:
Peter Schnitzlein
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Press and Public Relations
Ludwigstr. 16, 80539 Munich
Phone +49 89 28638-2429