
Interview with Professor Ewald Frie on the Specialised Information Service for Historical Studies

The modern historian Ewald Frie gives a first résumé after a good two years of operation of the Specialised Information Service for Historical Studies (FID Historical Studies). Ewald Frie is a professor for modern history at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen and a member of the advisory council of the FID Historical Studies.

Prof. Dr. Ewald Frie | © Fany Fazii, Tübingen

Prof. Dr. Ewald Frie | © Fany Fazii, Tübingen

In an interview published on H-Soz-Kult, he sums up positive and critical developments of the FID funding model, the reception of the Specialised Information Service by the expert community, the role of electronic resources in research and education, digital publishing, the consequences of discontinuing comprehensive literature acquisition and more.

In addition, the Specialised Information Service for Historical Studies has also taken stock of developments and perspectives in a report published on H-Soz-Kult.

Interview with Ewald Frie on the FID Historical Studies  (in German)
FID Historical Studies, development and perspectives  (in German)
