
Gregory of Nyssa Online: Greek full texts of the church father and lexicon of authors accessible Germany-wide

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and the University Library of Tübingen provide Germany-wide access to a special database on Gregory of Nyssa with full texts of the church father in the Greek language as well as a lexicon of authors within the scope of the Specialised Information Service for Classical Studies – Propylaeum and Theology managed by the two institutions and with the support of the German Research Foundation.

Start of the text of Gregory of Nyssa’s treatise "De anima" in a manuscript of the 16th century (Cod.graec. 291 in the holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) | © BSB/ Cod. graec. 291

Start of the text of Gregory of Nyssa’s treatise "De anima" in a manuscript of the 16th century (Cod.graec. 291 in the holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek) | © BSB/ Cod. graec. 291

The database contains the two modules:

  • Lexicon Gregorianum Online
    The "Lexicon Gregorianum Online" is the most comprehensive Greek-German dictionary of the language used by Gregory of Nyssa. It is the only dictionary available which addresses the vocabulary of the Greek language of the late classical period in particular. It documents Gregory’s complete vocabulary, taking account of the syntax, the meaning and connotation of every keyword present in his writings. The complete online lexicon comprises 10 volumes containing a total of over 13,000 entries.
  • Gregorii Nysseni Opera Online
    "Gregorii Nysseni Opera Online" is a critical text edition of the works of Gregory of Nyssa based on all available, known manuscripts. It is introduced by an exhaustive discussion of the text transfer and accompanied by extensive annotations on Biblical, classical and patristic sources, as well as indices.

Access to the database:

The database has already been made accessible to registered users of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and scholars Germany-wide via their respective home institutions.

Access via the Database Information System

Individuals with a permanent place of residence in the Federal Republic of Germany will be enabled in the near future to register in person for free-of-charge access within the scope of the national license in the event that they do not have access via a university network or their academic library.

Registration enabled shortly:
Registration for national licenses
