Current activities


East European, Oriental and Asian Reading Room | © BSB/H.-R. Schulz

After you have logged in on the web page of our booking system, you can now view and manage your bookings in a newly designed overview.

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© vege –

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek has successfully submitted three consecutive requests for the continuation of the funding line "Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft" ("Specialised Information Services for Research and Scholarship"; FID) by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The library receives funds in the amount of 8.6 million Euro for the years 2022 to 2024. They will serve for the further expansion of the Specialised Information Services for Classical Studies, Historical Studies and East, Central and Southeast European Studies.

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Geographical search option in PropylaeumSEARCH, screenshot of Campania | © BSB/Propylaeum

PropylaeumSEARCH will enable you in the future to search specialised literature bearing reference to certain geographical places of the ancient world via a map-based search access point.

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Series cover of the "Millennium-Studien" | © De Gruyter

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek supports the free digital access to specialist literature in the field of classical studies. It is planned to make the 85 already published volumes of the series "Millennium-Studien" (De Gruyter) freely accessible on the Internet. The ten new publications scheduled for publishing during the two-year project term (2021 – 2022) will be accessible in open access right from the time of publication.

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Classification search for classical studies, studies of history, musicology and eastern and south-eastern Europe | © BSB/ Public Relations

The high-quality classificatory subject indexing can now also be used in the OPACplus for thematic searches for academic literature of the past two decades in the subject fields of classical studies, studies of history, musicology and eastern and south-eastern Europe. This constitutes a substantial enhancement of subject-related search possibilities.

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Propylaeum blog

In the weblog of Propylaeum, the website of the specialised information service for classical studies operated by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and the University Library of Heidelberg, information is available about current activities of Propylaeum and inspiring classical-studies projects worldwide.


The SDI service my.propylaeum includes several services, providing you with the option of accessing classical-studies contents individually and in a manner that is custom-tailored to your interests and main fields of research. For example, you can receive information about the current new acquisitions of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munich and the University Library of Heidelberg matching your research topics, about newly digitized historical research literature or new open-access publications on the publication platforms of Propylaeum. The services of my.propylaeum are expanded continuously.


Events also offers a calendar of events for the field of classical studies.

Projects and cooperations

Specialised Information Service Ancient Studies – Propylaeum

Within the framework of the DFG programme "Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft" ("specialised information services for scholarship and science"), the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek has been developing its existing services into a joint specialised information service for ancient studies in cooperation with the University Library of Heidelberg. The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek continues to be in charge of the subject areas of Byzantine studies, ancient history, classical philology, medieval and new Latin philology and prehistory and early history.

In tune with the academic field, the following areas will form particular focal points during the project term:

  • Provision of information resources
  • Enhancement of the subject-specific information infrastructure of Propylaeum/ PropylaeumSEARCH
  • Electronic publishing in open access – Propylaeum e-publishing
  • Sustainability for excellent specialist information
  • Linked Open Data – "Digital Classics"
  • Scholarly communication, public relations activities, marketing

For further information please visit the website of the project.
