Historical prints

Classification marks

The early prints of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek were provided with special classification marks consistently up to the year of publication 1936, more recent works only partially. The following special classification marks are relevant for classical studies.

Philol.Philologia generalis et miscellaneaPhilology in general, classical philology
A.gr.a.Auctores Graeci antiqui profani poetaeGreek poets up to 1500, including secondary literature
A.gr.b.Auctores Graeci antiqui profani prosaiciGreek prosaists up to 1500, including secondary literature
A.gr.c.Auctores Graeci antiqui profani collectiCollections of Greek authors up to 1500
A.lat.a.Auctores Latini antiqui profani poetaeLatin poets up to 600, including secondary literature
A.lat.b.Auctores Latini antiqui profani prosaiciLatin prosaists up to 600, including secondary literature
A.lat.c.Auctores Latini antiqui profani collectiCollections of Latin authors up to 600
Ant.AntiquitatesArtefacts of antiquity and the ancient Orient
Arch.ArchaeologiaArt and inscriptions of antiquity
Num.ant.Numismatica antiquaAncient numismatics up to Charlemagne, history of coinage in general, coin catalogues
H.ant.Historia antiquaHistory of antiquity
P.o.lat.Poetae et oratores LatiniLatin poets and writers since 600 AD, including secondary literature
L.gr.Lingua GraecaAncient Greek. Annex: Modern Greek
L.lat.Lingua LatinaLatin language
J.rom.f.Fontes iuris Romani civilisSource books of Roman law, in particular corpus iuris Romani
J.rom.c.Ius Romanum commentatumGeneral, introductory, critical and commenting writings on Roman law, including the general German law
J.rom.m.Iuris Romani materiaeIndividual fields of Roman law
B.gr.Biblia GraecaBible editions in the Greek language
B.lat.Biblia LatinaBible editions in the Latin language
P.gr.c.Patres Graeci collectiLiterature on patristics, collections of writings of Greek and Greek and Latin church fathers, including secondary literature
P.gr.Patres Graeci singularesIndividual Greek church fathers, including secondary literature
P.lat.c.Patres Latini collectiCollections of writings of Latin church fathers, including secondary literature
P.lat.Patres Latini singularesIndividual Latin church fathers, including secondary literature

Examples from the collection

As can be seen in the "Alphabetischer Katalog der historischen Drucke, ca. 1575 – 80" ("Alphabetic catalogue of historical printed works, around 1575 – 80", Cbm Cat. 107), many printed works of the 16th century addressing antiquity were already present at the time.

Alphabetischer Katalog der historischen Drucke  (Cbm Cat. 107)

Most of them have been digitized and made accessible online within the framework of the digitization of holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek relevant for the VD-16 catalogue. Some examples are:
