
Reading-out initiative vorlesen.zuhören.bewegen – Reading day on 20 November 2020

The Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture and the Bavarian State Ministry for the Family, Employment and Social Affairs have started the common reading-out initiative vorlesen.zuhören.bewegen (read.listen.move) this year, which is intended to run for a duration of several years. The goal of the initiative is to start a joint long-term campaign to raise awareness of the importance of reading and reading out to somebody.

Germany-wide reading day on 20 November 2020, logo | © Stiftung Lesen
Reading-out initiative vorlesen.zuhören.bewegen, logo

In this context, it is intended to create an idea of the central importance of reading (out) in our society as a whole, and to raise the families’ awareness of the topic in particular. Among the measures taken, there is a common website on reading out (, there is public reading promotion by well-known "reading ambassadors", like the football player Thomas Müller, the children’s book authors Kirsten Boie, Erhard Dietl, Paul Maar, the presenter Checker Tobi and the musician Nina FIVA Sonnenberg, as well as targeted public relations work.

The reading-out initiative vorlesen.zuhören.bewegen kicks off with a Germany-wide reading day on 20 November 2020 (an initiative of, among others, the Stiftung Lesen), this year’s motto being "Europe and the world". The goal is to raise awareness in a special way of the great importance of reading out and reading.
Germany-wide reading day  (Website in German)

The reading-out initiative vorlesen.zuhören.bewegen and its website provide parents, educators and teachers with tips on reading out and finding suitable books.
Reading-out initiative vorlesen.zuhören.bewegen  (Website in German)

Through their impressive offer of media and by means of a broad variety of reading events, libraries make a substantial contribution to reading promotion and to the strengthening of reading competencies of young people in Bavaria.
Public libraries in Bavaria – Reading promotion  (Website in German)
