
Test access for historians – Collection of source material "Conditions and Politics in Occupied Western Europe, 1940 – 1945"

Since the end of October, the Specialised Information Service (FID) for Historical Studies has offered access to the database "Conditions and Politics in Occupied Western Europe, 1940 – 1945", which forms part of the Archives Unbound Collection of Gale Cengage, to the Germany-wide expert community for a three-month trial period. So far, the database has been available only at two German libraries. A FID license will be negotiated in case of a sufficient frequency of use by researchers.

Resistance: Man and woman in cellar listening to radio, by war artist Terence Cuneo | © The National Archives, INF 3/1787

Resistance: Man and woman in cellar listening to radio, by war artist Terence Cuneo | © The National Archives, INF 3/1787

The database contains an extensive collection of historical source materials on the conditions of living and the political situation in Western Europe under National Socialist occupation. It includes 22,000 documents from the occupied countries Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Norway, as well as Italy, the Vatican and the neutral states, including Switzerland.

The source materials were compiled by the British Foreign Office to provide information and a basis for decision-taking for the British government. They are based on information by diplomats, secret services and various organisations and contain letters, telegrams, summaries of conversations and meetings, reports and analyses, newspaper articles, photographs, posters, etc.

The database offers full-text search in all source materials. Introductory essays provide a good overview and contain links to central topics and documents in the database. Each source document can be viewed in the context of the immediately preceding and subsequent political events by using the link "Contemporary Events". The original documents are kept in the National Archives in Kew, Sussex.

Test access to the database for the expert community  (up to the end of February 2018)

Registration with the FID for Historical Studies

The Specialised Information Service also appreciates receiving your feedback on the database.
Contact person: Dr. Silvia Daniel
