The following subject fields are covered:
Analytical philosophy | Philosophy of antiquity | Applied philosophy | Economic ethics| Catholic tradition | Contemporary philosophy | European philosophy | General philosophy | History of philosophy | Important philosophers | Philosophy and religion | Philosophy of mind | Philosophy of science | Social and political philosophy | Philosophy in education
Seated in the USA, the Philosophy Documentation Center (PDC) has been known since 1966 as an editor of fundamental reference materials, scholarly specialist journals, conference proceedings and educational software. The objective of the center is to make philosophical literature accessible worldwide.
The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is currently the only German library (according to information from the database information system) to hold a license for the "Philosophy Documentation Center E-Collection" since the start of 2018. The database is thus accessible free of charge to registered users of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek for doing research.
Access to the database:
Philosophy Documentation Center E-Collection