
A new reading experience: Pilot project on "dynamic publishing" activated

Since 8 July 2019, the pilot project of a digital publication format developed at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek has been accessible online. It serves to complement the book "Das erweiterte Museum. Medien, Technologien und Internet" ("The extended museum. Media, technologies and the Internet"), in the form of a "dynamic project portal", offering in-depth information and best-practice examples enriched by multimedia tools.

Bernd Sibler, Bavarian State Minister of Sciences, Research and the Arts, MdL, Dr. Astrid Pellengahr, State Agency for Non-state Museums in Bavaria, Dr. Klaus Ceynowa, BSB, [from right to left] at the presentation | © BSB/ S. Gottstein

[From right to left] Bernd Sibler, Bavarian State Minister of Sciences, Research and the Arts, MdL, Dr. Astrid Pellengahr, State Agency for Non-state Museums in Bavaria, Dr. Klaus Ceynowa, Director General of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, at the presentation | © BSB/ S. Gottstein

In the presence of the Bavarian State Minister of Sciences, Research and the Arts, Bernd Sibler, MdL, the State Agency for Non-state Museums in Bavaria, the Deutscher Kunstverlag and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek presented the latest volume from the series "Museumsbausteine" and the associated "Dynamisches Projekt-Portal" to an interested expert audience.

The "Dynamisches Projekt-Portal" has been realised in cooperation with the Center for Electronic Publishing (ZEP) of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek as a pilot project for the publication system dyps developed there. In addition to texts and multimedia documents, the thus created platform offers references to online collections and web pages. In this manner, the digital publication complements the contents of the book, which offers an overview of current digital technologies and concepts in museums. Created as an updatable document, the "Dynamisches Projekt-Portal" is enriched by best-practice examples and indications of related literature. The printed book is linked up to all components of the platform by QR codes.

With its novel user interface, the "Dynamisches Projekt-Portal" replaces traditional, linear reading, as well as footnotes and tables of figures of longer texts by a flexibly controllable reading experience. The full text of the document is enriched with multimedia contents and web links for this purpose. This concept opens up innovative potential for variable documents, making their individual paragraphs, images or other components persistently citable and directly accessible also after an update.

To the "Dynamisches Projekt-Portal"
