With respect to its size and services, digiPress is currently the largest cultural and scholarly service of this type by far in Germany. With the provision of around 33,000 issues of the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten from 1875 to 1932 planned for the spring of 2022, the portal will present a further central historical source and grow to around 8.5 million pages.
All titles can be searched individually or comprehensively in full-text versions. The search results can be filtered applying title, language, publication period and publication location. In addition to the full-text search, a calendar overview offers a date-oriented access point encompassing all titles for browsing the issues. The titles can also be sorted alphabetically and in accordance with the places of distribution. The digital copies can be zoomed comfortably and stepplessly, maximising their readability. This is thanks to the so-called IIIF standard (International Image Interoperability Framework). IIIF is the current standard for visualising, structuring and exchanging digital objects between cultural institutions worldwide.
The digitized newspapers presented at digiPress range from the 17th century to predominantly the 1920s. The focus of the digital copies presented at digiPress is on Bavarian newspapers starting in the 17th century, unique titles such as revolutionary newspapers of all political directions (1848/49), party journals of highly diverse political orientations, trade and club newspapers and humoristic-satirical publications. Numerous ones of the newspapers retrievable from digiPress are of supra-regional importance, such as the Allgemeine Zeitung/Cotta’sche Zeitung or, available as of the spring of 2022, the Münchner Neueste Nachrichten.
Director General Klaus Ceynowa: "Newspapers are the 'sweep hand of history' and are accordingly of great interest both to academic research and generally to the interested public. The newspaper portal digiPress is a prime example showing how digitized holdings can be searched quickly, easily and efficiently, and the results can be used by every citizen."
Link to the portal digiPress:
Press release for download (PDF, 72 KB)
Contact persons
Birgit Seiderer
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Department Acquisition, Collection Development and Cataloguing 2
Ludwigstrasse 16, 80539 Munich
Phone +49 89 28638-2627
Ulrike Rehusch
Press and Public Relations
Phone +49 89 28638-2057