"Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice" is a central resource on the history of slavery and African-American culture. Designed for teaching and research, the database contains document collections from libraries and archives of the Atlantic region, covering the period from 1490 onward. With respect to thematic content, various forms of slavery and their long-term impact, perspectives of social justice and variants of slavery existing up to the present day are covered. The involvement of Europe, Islam and Africa in the slave trade is a central theme as well. The geographic focus is on North America, the Caribbean, Brazil, Cuba.
The database "Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History" contains travel reports and travel diaries of American women of the 19th and 20th century from the Schlesinger Library (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University). Among the sources, there are eyewitness reports of historical events, insights into the lives of travelling women, descriptions of visited cities, cultures or customs. At the same time, the documents describe the development of the modern tourism industry.
A special access model was negotiated for the two databases.
- In case you are interested in the database(s), please register for the Specialised Information Service for Historical Studies first.
https://geschichtswissenschaft.fid-lizenzen.de/kfllogin - Subsequently, please send us an e-mail informing us that you are interested in obtaining access to the special database(s) mentioned.
lizenzen-fid-geschichte@bsb-muenchen.de - Following a brief check, you will be provided with access to all resources of the Specialised Information Service for Historical Studies, including the database(s) mentioned.
- Access links to the two special databases:
Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice
Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History