
Historical Encyclopaedia of Bavaria – 1,000 articles online

The one thousandth article of the Historisches Lexikon Bayerns (HLB, Historical Encyclopaedia of Bavaria) has been published. It addresses the purity law related to the brewing and serving of beer.

Detail of the Bavarian purity law in the sovereign legislation decreed by the Dukes William IV and Louis X | © BSB

Detail of the Bavarian purity law in the sovereign legislation decreed by the Dukes William IV and Louis X | © BSB

On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Bavarian "Reinheitsgebot", the 1000th article of the online encyclopaedia gives comprehensive information about the regulations on brewing and serving beer decided in 1516. These regulations are applicable to the present day to all top-fermented and bottom-fermented types of beer brewed in Bavaria. Not only are the readers provided with academically substantiated information about the development of the purity law and the further development up to the present, but also learn how the "Bierbeschau", the inspection and quality control, worked and which earlier purity regulations there are.

The Historisches Lexikon Bayerns is an encyclopaedia on Bavarian history published exclusively online. In June 2016, the online encyclopaedia celebrated its 10th anniversary.

Article on the purity law in the Historisches Lexikon Bayerns
