
Dynamic publishing: Innovative digital format for scholarly publications

In practice, digital publishing often means that the logic and layout of printed pages are transferred to the computer screen. Under the heading "dynamic publishing", the Center for Electronic Publishing (ZEP) of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek is testing what further potential the digital world has for new concepts, formats and structures.

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The latest "dynamic" publication project has been available on the Internet for some days. Titled "Le Constitutionnel und Oesterreichischer Beobachter: Spielarten der Publizistik in der internationalen Presselandschaft der Restauration" (Le Constitutionnel and Oesterreichischer Beobachter: Varieties of journalism in the international press landscape of the time of Restoration), the contents of the publication were prepared at the Chair of the History of Early Modern Times at the University of Cologne using the platform "MAP – Modern Academic Publishing" domiciled there. Forming the result of a DFG-funded research project, it looks into the European press history of the time of Restoration (1815 – 1830).

With the aid of the Center for Electronic Publishing of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, this publication is offered in an innovative format: A specially designed user interface makes numerous additional content items available in addition to the full text. While reading, users can, among other things, look up the biographical data of the historical persons addressed in the text, use an interactive map representation and access the digital list of sources and references. Each paragraph is equipped with a so-called permalink on the basis of a DOI (digital object identifier) in order for it to be citable permanently.

In addition to closely text-related contents, the research data established by the team of scholars were integrated into the full text: They are visualised in the form of diagrams, can be further used as table files and, for example, are usable for methods of digital humanities, also in the form of integrated Java Script data objects.

The document can be downloaded as an HTML file and can also be used offline. An export function is available for printing out selected sections.

To the publication:
