
Congress on the topic of repositories "Storage – the final frontier"

23 February 2017, 10:00 – 17:00
On 23 February 2017, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek hosts a public congress on the topic of repositories "Storage – the final frontier" in cooperation with the Library Buildings and Equipment Section of IFLA.

Book repository in Garching | © BSB/ H.-R. Schulz

Book repository in Garching | © BSB/ H.-R. Schulz

Possibilities of analysing big data for collective holdings, questions of constructing book repositories and new concepts of cooperation of different institutions in the operation of book repositories will be discussed. Also the possibility of creating innovative new library spaces with holdings of printed matter being stored in decentralised manner will be examined.

The conference language is English.
Participation is free of charge.

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