
Cambridge Core: the Full Collection. Access to all 37.000 e-books extended by a further year

The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek offers access to the e-books of the Full Collection of Cambridge University Press including over 37.000 titles for a further year, up to the end of January 2020. With respect to subject fields, around two thirds of the titles belong to the field of humanities and social sciences, and around one third belongs to the field of science, technology and medicine.

Cambridge Core | © Cambridge University Press

Cambridge Core | © Cambridge University Press

After the expiration of the term, individual e-books will be purchased and made available permanently as part of the holdings of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

The individual titles can be found in the OPACplus/ BSB catalogue or in the Database Information System, using the platform "Cambridge Core". The e-books are accessible for registered users of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, also externally.

OPACplus/ BSB catalogue

Cambridge Core
