Article Specialised Information Service for Historical Studies at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and the Deutsches Museum presents new portal for historians

The new central portal for the services of the Specialised Information Service for Historical Studies has been launched: The portal offers access to digital services for historians. Among these are research tools, licenses usable on a supra-regional level, the Deutsche Historische Bibliografie and various subject-related portals, such as one on the history of technology.

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Having undergone a thorough overhaul of both technology and contents, will gradually replace in the course of the coming months the website that has been well-established in expert circles since the turn of the millennium. Both portals will be accessible in parallel up to the point when all currently relevant contents of the precursor portal have been integrated in the new one.

The subdivision of into four areas mirrors the central areas of activity of the Specialised Information Service for Historical Studies:

  • "Recherche" offers points of access for research, concise explanations and aids for all research portals set up by the Specialised Information Service or within its context.
  • "Services" pools services offered to historians by the Specialised Information Service for Historical Studies or by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek as library technically in charge of the subject field.
  • "Bibliographie" acts as a project area for the Deutsche Historische Bibliografie, constituting the tools, workflows and data used at the basis of the bibliography.
  • "Disziplinen" fans out the digital services offered with respect to the various epoch- and subject-related disciplines (such as history of technology), also making use of contents of the precursor portal.

Currently, the portal is optimized for display using the latest versions of the browsers Mozilla Firefox and Chrome/ Chromium. In the further development steps, the Specialised Information Service is planning to adapt it for use on mobile terminals in particular, and for use in browsers that have not been supported so far.

Since 2016, the German Research Foundation has supported a "Fachinformationsdienst" (Specialised Information Service) for the subject field of historical studies, which is managed by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and the Deutsches Museum in Munich – with the latter being in charge of the sub-discipline of the history of technology.
