
Visit of the former bishop of the Roman-Catholic diocese of Timișoara

The former bishop of the Roman-Catholic diocese of Timișoara (Romania), Martin Roos, visited the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in July. On this occasion, he presented the library with a facsimile of a unique manuscript of Saint Gerard of Csanád safeguarded by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Clm 6211).

[From left to right] Dr. Gudrun Wirtz (BSB), Dr. Claudia Fabian (BSB), Martin Roos (former Bishop of the Roman-Catholic diocese Timișoara), Dr. Wolfgang-Valentin Ikas (BSB) | © BSB/ S. Gottstein

[From left to right] Dr. Gudrun Wirtz (Head of the Department of Eastern Europe), Dr. Claudia Fabian (Head of the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books), Martin Roos (former Bishop of the Roman-Catholic diocese Timișoara), Dr. Wolfgang-Valentin Ikas (Deputy Head of the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books) | © BSB/ S. Gottstein

The manuscript Clm 6211, which had come to Munich from the cathedral library of Freising in the course of the secularisation, forms part of the treasures of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. On 166 parchment sheets, the codex conveys a copy of the Deliberatio supra hymnum trium puerorum ("Deliberation on the hymn of the three children in the fiery furnace") by Saint Gerard of Csanád, a text of philosophical-theological content, probably created in Salzburg or Admont around the year 1070.

Born in Venice around 980, he later entered the Benedictine order, became abbot and finally the first bishop of the diocese of Csanád – at the time forming part of Hungary, today forming part of Romania, Serbia and Hungary. He wrote the above-mentioned work there around the year 1040. It is regarded as the first and, for several centuries, unique specimen of its kind in the entire South-East European area. The representative copy with a large margin contained in Clm 6211 is considered to be the only preserved text witnessing the work of Gerard of Csanád. In the year 1046, he was subjected to martyrdom, was canonized in 1083 and is the patron saint of the Hungarian capital of Budapest and one of Hungary’s patrons saint. His relics are kept in Csanád, Stuhlweißenburg, Venice and Budapest.
