
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek assumes responsibility for Hungary and parts of Finno-Ugrian studies within the FID network

In July 2024, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) was granted additional funds for acquisitions and staff by the German Research Foundation in order to supply research in Germany on East, East-Central and South-East Europe with expert information about Hungary and some areas of Finno-Ugrian studies within the network of Specialised Information Services (Fachinformationsdienste, FID).

Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies, logo | © BSB

The State and University Library of Göttingen discontinued its Specialised Information Service on Finno-Ugrian/Uralic Languages, Literature and Cultures as of 30 June 2023. Against this backdrop, the BSB and its Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies developed a concept together with the University Library of Kiel and its Specialised Information Service on Northern Europe in order to make up for the supply gap in the FID network resulting for scholarship.

The BSB is now in charge of collecting material on Hungary – including, i.a., the fields of history, politics, society, church and religion, language, literature and folklore –, Estonian philology and the Finno-Ugrian and Samoyed-language peoples of Russia and the Baltic States. The UB Kiel takes over Finland and the Fennoscandian people of the Sami. Printed and electronic resources on general Finno-Ugrian studies will be acquired and made available by either library following consultation.

The BSB appreciates this rounding-off of its FID tasks so far for multidisciplinary research on East and South-East Europe. All services of the FID for East, Central and Southeast European Studies will now be expanded to cover also the new subject areas – from providing books via interlibrary loan to open-access services, on to courses on research data management and much more.

The Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies

Director General Klaus Ceynowa:

The solution found together with the UB Kiel ensures that the demand in the field of Finno-Ugrian studies in Germany continues to be met in the best way possible. In addition, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek fills the gap existing so far in the country profile of the Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies by taking care of Hungary.

Press release for download  (PDF, 114 KB)  (in German)


Dr. Gudrun Wirtz
Head of the East-Europe Department
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Ludwigstrasse 16, 80539 Munich
Phone  +49 89 28638-2992

Peter Schnitzlein
Head of Communications
Phone  +49 89 28638-2429
