
Analysis tool for social media: Integrum Social Networks

Integrum Social Networks permits the systematic evaluation of the large amounts of data generated in social networks. The analysis tool (available in the Russian language version only) makes it possible to search social media (Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte, LiveJournal, etc.) for individual keywords and to break the results further down into individual days and weeks.

Integrum World Wide (IWW), logo

What functions does the analysis tool offer?

A distinction can be made between the actual posts and the associated comments. Further, the number of positive or negative statements on the respective keywords, the network of origin, the age, gender and geographic distribution of the authors can be visualized. Search requests can be stored in addition and can be used for the long-term monitoring of different topics. Hence, researchers can evaluate the dynamics of social networks in great detail, introducing completely new possibilities of researching.

Integrum Social Networks in available exclusively in a Russian language version.

How to obtain access

Access to the database is offered within the framework of the Specialised Information Service for Russian, East and Southeast European Studies (FID Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa) with the support of the German Research Foundation and requires a special login. In case you are interested, the login data can be obtained from the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (please note that a registered place of residence in Germany is required).


On 27 February 2017, 14:00, we also offer a course introducing the analysis tool:
<link recherche-und-service schulungen-e-tutorials schulungskalender twitter-vkontakte-und-co-im-visier-der-wissenschaft-das-analysetool-integrum-social-networks _top internal-link internen link im aktuellen>Twitter, VKontakte and co. in the sights of scholarship – The analysis tool "Integrum Social Networks"
