Bibliotheksforum Bayern

Contact for orders

Alexandra Huber
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
80328 München
Phone:  +49 89 28638-2115


The journal Bibliotheksforum Bayern (BFB) contains specialised articles and news informing about all areas of public and academic librarianship in Bavaria, Germany and the world.

The BFB continues the reporting by the two journals ÖBiB (for the public library system) and Bibliotheksforum Bayern (for the academic library system), which were discontinued at the end of the year 2006.

Four issues are published per year. In addition to the printed edition, the Bibliotheksforum Bayern is simultaneously made available online free of charge.

The Bibliotheksforum Bayern (BFB) is the specialist journal of the Bavarian Library Association.

Online version
