Titled "Aufbruch zu neuen Ufern" ("Off to new pastures"), the third and last instalment of the exhibition trilogy BILDERWELTEN in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek from 14 November 2016 to 24 February 2017 presents outstanding specimens of book illumination from between the Middle Ages and the modern era: One of the most precious works of book illumination, the prayer book of Emperor Maximilian I with drawings by Dürer, Cranach, Grien and Altdorfer. The book has been divided into two parts since the 16th century, both of which will be presented in the exhibition. Paying tribute to the anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017, the exhibition in the treasure vault presents selected Bibles from Charlemagne to Luther. The first printed book, the Gutenberg Bible of 1454/ 55, will be on display, like the famous Ottheinrich Bible or the Munich Furtmeyr Bible with its masterly illuminations of the Old Testament.
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