Information Technology

The Department of Information Technology plans and operates the IT infrastructure of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and the associated central IT processes. The department is in charge of the local library system and various specialised applications, providing IT technology for the workplaces and running a support hotline for the employees.

Head of department: Dr. Mathias Kratzer
Deputy head: Andreas Kahl

Organisational structure

Subdivision Applications

Head of subdivision: Andreas Kahl

The subdivision plans, develops and operates the central library and information system for acquisition, cataloguing, loan administration, literature search and provision, and the application, database and search-engine servers required for the above purposes.

Further, it is in charge of the technical part of planning, development and operating the Specialised Information Services for Historical Studies, for Classical Studies, for Russian, East and Southeast European Studies, as well as the Specialised Information Service for Musicology.

Moreover, it is responsible for various subject catalogues and subject-related applications, such as e.g. the image archive of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and the RISM OPAC.

In support of the literature search and provision, search-engine technology with data harvesting, data processing, document processing, computer-linguistic methods for the automated capture of the contents of full texts, methods for generating linked open data, OAI repositories and Shibboleth as authentication and authorisation platforms are used. For searching in sheet music, OMR (Optical Music Recognition) data are generated, processed and indexed for search engine.

The planning and the project management for all applications in the responsibility of the subdivision take place in close cooperation with the specialised departments and other project partners, such as academic societies and institutes.

Subdivision Networks

Head of subdivision: Reiner Sailer

The Subdivision Networks and Infrastructure plans and operates the central systems in the fields of network and servers and the central processes of IT security, back-level support, documentation and data saving.

Besides the mail system, the web servers and other middle ware, the subdivision administrates the domain-name server of the internet domains run by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, as well as the connection to the Munich academic network (Wissenschaftsnetz), thus the Internet.

The subdivision takes care of these tasks in close cooperation with the Leipniz Computing Centre (LRZ), the service provider of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek for Internet access, server operation, data saving and the long-time archiving of digital objects.

Subdivision Services/ Hotline

Head of subdivision: Thomas Gallistl

The subdivision is in charge of planning and maintenance of the PC workstations of the library and runs the internal IT hotline of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, which is supported by the contact persons of the specialised departments. An important part of this range of tasks is printer management. The range of services also includes the central IT acquisition, IT accounting and the central filing management of the division.
